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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. R

    HeNe Photo Dump

    Just got my HeNe a few days ago and now we have accordion storm shutters on the house I can make my room real dark in about one minute so I figured I should get a few pictures of this fine laser. ;)
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    HeNe Polarity Connections!

    Just got my HeNe and wanted to make sure I'm hooking everything up right before I screw something up. My guesses as of yet are the red/yellow wires that are twisted and the small black wire go to my power supply to give it the 5-6V. As for how to and where to connect the rest to the HeNe I'm...
  3. R

    Let the games begin!

    Sadly but a day ago my DIY Red died. :'( But today's mail more then makes up for it! ;D Lets list today's goodies: HeNe Laser Tube HeNe PSU PSXBoy Blu-Ray Glass Aixiz Focuser; (12) Metal Rings to fit focuser BR rckstr Driver Full Range rckstr Driver (2) Red High Powered Diodes So I should be...
  4. R

    Dorcy Jr. Heatsink Update

    I've had my Dorcy Jr. running a DVD Burner diode for some time now. I saw a post dark_horse had just a few days ago about custom making some heatsinks for those interested on the forums. Sadly I his post after it was past the date. :'( I did PM him though and he managed to find me one her still...
  5. R

    WTB: HeNe 1-2mW PSU! (Bought, thread done)

    Well I just won http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=220248110151 so now I need a power supply to run it. I did find one for $35 buy it now +11.50 shipping or $9.99 if no one bids on it for the next six days. So if someone has one that is about $35-$40 for sale that would be...
  6. R

    HeNe Power Supply (Help?)

    Hey guys! I'm slowly making a comeback. ;D But anyways, I'm looking at a <5mW HeNe lasers on eBay and it does NOT include a power supply. I was wondering where the best place to obtain one was or if anyone had an extra or could manage to get one for me at a decent price. I have a modified...
  7. R


    I'm alive. What now? ..... :D :D :D
  8. R

    Projection Lenses

  9. R

    Khet! Strategy at the speed of light!

    Got it for X-Mas. Should be fun when I find someone to play it with. Anyone else have this?
  10. R

    Big Ole' Double Convex Lens!

    Well I was over at my dad's shop yesterday and as usual I was chatting with the electronic repair man next door and he has this pig hunk of glass sitting there. Turns out it's a lens from a TV that he was fixing and wasn't repairable or something along those lines. Surprisingly enough he...
  11. R

    Two new "X-Series" Lasers!

    Another blow to wicked lasers except these lasers actually perform as stated! They have introduced bot the X-150 and X-175 lasers! A huge jump in price but that's what you pay for the best of the best. Ge check them out : http://www.novalasers.com/NOVAstore/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=3
  12. R

    Possibly a GREAT 1/2 AA Sized Battery!

    I'm over at school right now working on a computer and we pulled out a battery from an old eMac because it was acting odd and I looked up the battery to see how much a replacement was. Turns out it was less then $10! But enough of that, that's the boring stuff. This battery is about half of the...
  13. R

    Custom Pelican 1150 Case Foam Inserts

    Well I cut out a nice piece of Extra Firm foam I have to fit my pelican case so I don't have spaces "ghetto rigged" to hold lasers and optics since the collection held in this case has changed drastically. I can get this foam real cheap (About $5 for a block that has more then enough for two...
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    Teaser Picture!

    Guess what I finished last night! ;) Review or something of that nature coming soon enough.
  15. R

    Re: Kens Minidorcy $130/ 3 $100 each mxdl

    Re: Kens Minidorcy $130/ 3 $100 each mxdl If you get texting and picture messaging on your phone just "text" the pictures to your e-mail and you should be fine.
  16. R

    Custom Battery Holder (Pics!)

    Well I "had" two GameBoy Colors and I had the urge to tinker with something tonight I pulled apart a clear purple one I got for a few bucks at a garage sale a few years back. At first I tried messing around with the headphone plug and the speaker included but that didn't go so well. But I didn't...
  17. R

    "Pulsed" 3 Motor Spyrograph

    Last night I was all too restless and I really wanted something to do. So, I decided to take three of my cheap computer fans, glue some mirrors onto them and turn it into a little spyrograph. I got it all done and since these fans and the power supply are both old it seems to "pulse" power to...
  18. R

    House of Blues in Orlando Tomorrow! (11/12)

    Chiodos, Emery and Scary Kids Scaring Kids at the House of Blues in Orlando tomorrow! :D Who else is going? I know I'm going to be there. Too bad I'm going with friends or I would take the extra time to go visit with the laser peeps from that area.
  19. R

    Best Book Ever!

    Parents came home from the library with that one! It's ten years old and looks like it will be fun! Sorry to disappoint anyone but it seems like it's actually logical inside and you can learn from it.
  20. R

    Dorcy Mini Driver Close Up

    I popped off the black plastic cover on accident just a moment ago and figured that I should take picture to help educate everyone and share it. I was surprised that my web cam could pull of such good quality! http://wirelesscord.com/displayimage.php?pos=-119 I measured 3.14V on the battery...
