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  1. laserpointersarecool

    I got northern lights in germany!

  2. laserpointersarecool

    Did you got that naked lady diffraction grating?

    I recently read from some guys on reddit that when they got one of the cheap keychain laser pointers with tips, one of the tip was a naked lady. I think many people here owned one of these lasers. Did you also got that tip?
  3. laserpointersarecool

    Cheap red keychain laser pointers are actually focusable

    You just need to screw that black cap that holds the lens in place and the dot will get bigger/smaller because of the focus.
  4. laserpointersarecool

    some self-made warning labels

    i made these labels in paint. (and yes i did write "made in china")
  5. laserpointersarecool


  6. laserpointersarecool

    What was your first pointer?

    For me it was one of these keychain laser pointers with tips. I won it at a fair ("kirmes", as we say here in germany) By the way, i found out that you can focus them by turning that black screw thingy that holds the lens. They,re not meant to be focusable but its possible.
  7. laserpointersarecool

    Renkforce RF-LP-500 laser pointer pen review

    the Renkforce RF-LP-500 laserpointer is a classic pen styled laser pointer. it runs on two AAA batteries. the batteries are includet. the laser pointer pen is black and silver colored. it is, like most green lasers, a dpss laser. the laser pointer comes in a nice metallic case. the inner of...
  8. laserpointersarecool

    am i the only one who actually likes the danger stickers on laserpointers?

    i actually like them. not because i'm a silly idiot who doesn't knows that strong lasers are dangerous but because they make a laser look more badass. even a cheap, weak keychain laserpointer looks super dangerous with it.
  9. laserpointersarecool

    Is this a IR-Filter?

    So recently i opened my broken green laser pointer since i already got a new one. I was interested of what is in there and what broke. It was the lasercrystal fallen off. But i found a black thing in the area where the laser crystal was. The black thing has something like a thin slice of glass...
  10. laserpointersarecool

    Laser that claims to be <1mW class II has barely visible beam. Really possible for a class II laser?

    So i got a laser from the web. Its a renkforce rf-lp-500. This is, like the most green laserpointers, a dpss laser. It claims to be a class II laser with max output power <1mW but when its really dark, like its night and you have no light on in your room, i can see the laserbeam. Its really hard...
  11. laserpointersarecool

    The back of a green laser pointer pen pack doesn't even makes sense

    Look at the "caution" and the "danger" sign.
  12. laserpointersarecool

    do you put keychain laserpointers on you keys?

    do you put keychain laserpointers on you keys?
  13. laserpointersarecool

    how to focus a cheap green laser pointer pen?

    how to focus a cheap green laser pointer pen to have a smaller dot? maybe with a magnifying glass?
  14. laserpointersarecool

    Whats the original laser 303

    Who created it? Which brand has sold it?
  15. laserpointersarecool

    Whats the original pen styled laser pointer?

    As we all know these laserpointers are made from tons of chinese companys now. But there has to be someone who came up whit this idea. Who "invented" them? Which company was the first one that sold them?
  16. laserpointersarecool

    How to tell if a green laser pointer is DPSS or green diode?

    I honestly don't think my green laser has a green diode but i would love to see if there is a method to see if it's true. So, ist there any method (preferably without disassembling into the individual parts)
  17. laserpointersarecool

    Is it possible to change the laser color without buying a new doide?

    Like with colored glass or something like that.
