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  1. Danteslayer

    Welp no laser.

    No laser for another week, I ordered it the 30th of june, shipped the 1st of july, and I havent got it so im not going to get it until the 21st of july since going on vacation My luck stupid USPS tracking sucks and updates every 5 days, Also it was in new york on 7/9 and it had 4 days to get to...
  2. Danteslayer

    I got an update from tracking.. In chinese

    I finally got an update from tracking... In chinese "收寄局收寄, 北京国际邮件收寄中心, 美国" I used google translator and this popped up "Beijing International Mail Acceptance Center USA" Is it in the USA? im very confused. I heard that tracking is very delayed at times and is probably in the U.S right now not...
  3. Danteslayer

    How long does it take tracking info to show up

    Well I ordered a laser and got the tracking number but when i search it up on usps nothing shows up, its been 2 and a half days and still not working. So I ask you LPF, how long does it take your tracking info to go into effect? EDIT: ordered from rayfoss ordered june 30th shipped july 1st...
  4. Danteslayer

    What music does LPF listen to?

    Sorry if theres already another one of these but... What music do you listen to guys? if you havent found any category then please comment what you listen to. I am currently listening to a 40min mix of mt eden. Link if you guys are interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULNCFePqAZA
  5. Danteslayer

    RF532-50mW-B03 review (rayfoss

    Hello, this is a starting review, I will update it when I get my laser but for now im going to review Rayfoss's customer service shipping stuff etc. Also this is my first review so any tips appreicated. UPDATE ive decided to leave the review as it is and when i get my laser i will do a new...
  6. Danteslayer

    Saving for a new computer, also what kind of computer do you have?

    Wanting to buy new lasers, and saving for a new computer really conflicts with buying nice lasers. I've been saving for quite awhile now and since im a Minor and cannot get a job, and buying lasers really screws with my budget. Im wanting to get a 150-200 mW green laser but I cant do so until...
  7. Danteslayer

    What do you guys think this laser could do?

    What do you guys think a green laser focusable could do with avg 65mW and peak at 70, shows 69 but im gonna round up. My guess would be pop balloons and light matches, Whats your input guys? Also when i get the laser im going to make a review for it. EDIT: my picture didnt show up from thumb...
  8. Danteslayer

    Rayfoss great company

    Rayfoss is a fantastic company, there customer service is great and sell good cheap lasers. Faona just emailed me the power test results. My 50mW laser is overspec which is great. Assuming there 10mW of IR theres about 50+mW of green. If you guys are looking for a laser go for rayfoss, good...
  9. Danteslayer

    Scumbag police in usa kill dog

    Truly disturbing Hawthorne, Ca Police Kill Dog(1) - YouTube Yu didnt have to shoot it for god sakes
  10. Danteslayer

    What can i do with this?

    My old 5mW laser very old and broke, i tore it apart and tried to get the diode/module out but broke the entire thing. I didnt care too much the whole inside of it was corroded. All i have left is the thing where you put the batterys, the tailcap. Should i toss it out or what. Not sure if the...
  11. Danteslayer

    A question regarding the rf532 b03

    Some of you might say use the search tool and i have the 2 reviews that review this laser doesnt specify. The laser has a keylock feature and you need to put a key in it to activate the laser to work, so my question is do you have to keep the key in at all times or just turn it and you can take...
  12. Danteslayer


    Hello all of you laser enthusiasts, I should of made this earlier so here I am now. I've planned to get a higher power laser then 5mW for awhile but i never fell through with it because the only site I really knew about lasers was WL, which is over priced so I never managed to get one. I...
  13. Danteslayer

    A question about laser safety,

    I think this is a newbie question but its a serious one, Say (HYPOTHETICALLY) you have a 1w laser, and you shoot it at your wall, will it hurt your eyes if you stare where the beam is hitting. For example: your in a room, about 5-20 yards away from you, you shoot your 1w laser at the wall and...
  14. Danteslayer

    A question lasers,

    Delete this thread please. I made a new one updated title, i was an idiot when i made this title.
  15. Danteslayer

    Question about rayfoss

    Do they ship/process in a good amount of time? does there customer support blow? do they ship broken lasers often? are lasers underspecced. Heres the one i think im going to get after i cancel my order from lazerer www.rayfoss.com
  16. Danteslayer

    Ordered from lazerer, some problems.

    well I always wanted to get a laser but they were always mega expensive, I found a nice 50mW one on lazerer decided to buy it and what not, I payed with paypal but only noticed that after the order was complete i realised i didnt get a paypal pop up to sign in, Checked my email on the order and...
