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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Prototype

    PSP Not Loading Games?

    So...was playing on the bus today and one of the loading screens wouldn't stop...loading. I turn it off completely and turn it back on, with UMD in it and it won't go past the opening screen, the Sony Computer Entertainment logo flashes across the screen but then it goes to the wavy screen and...
  2. Prototype

    Cutting Acrylic Without a Laser?

    Hello all Most of my upcoming projects could be finished in wood, which while easier, wouldn't give as cool a finish in my opinion. I mean I could make it cool, but exotic woods can add up fast in cost, and even a little slip can ruin a $70+ board. Back to the topic at hand, is there any...
  3. Prototype

    Bulletstorm. Wicked.

    Just played the Bulletstorm demo...Hot Damn! I haven't been this antsy for a game release since Borderlands or Prototype! If you have the ability, try this demo, I urge you!
  4. Prototype

    Good starter games for PS3?

    Hello all, I'm getting my PS3 either tonight or tomorrow afternoon, and I've been bugging myself to find some good games, I've looked over T_J's 'Best PS3 Games' thread, and I've taken a look at a few mentioned there and they look good. This is a list of the ones I'm strongly considering/will be...
  5. Prototype

    DX Now carries XM-L based lights

    Was browsing the new arrivals section of DX just now, and they've had XM-Ls on stars for the past few days (they're cheaper from Cutters) but I just noticed two XM-L based lights in an 18650 form for about $33 each. They claim the drive current is 2.8A, which is just under the max current as...
  6. Prototype

    Kindle 3G + WiFi or Kindle WiFi?

    I am having trouble deciding between the two. The price difference is $50, $189 for the 3G version and $139 for the WiFi only version. The main difference is the 3G version has free access to 3G using AT&Ts network, which is handy for book downloads anywhere you're covered by AT&T. This also...
  7. Prototype

    Request for someone with a Kindle

    Hello all. I've come across a copy of the Divine Comedy by Dante on Project Gutenberg, and it appears to be all the cantos in proper order. My request is this, would someone with a kindle mind downloading it (it's free) and see how the stories are arranged on the kindle? I.E. if there are the...
  8. Prototype

    Ti-84 Plus MirageOS help

  9. Prototype

    Kindle 3G+WiFi

    So I've decided to get myself a Kindle 3G+WiFi for $189 shipped :drool: I've seen good and bad about the Nook, a low priced competitor. My question is this: can you recommend an eReader for <$300 that can compare to the Kindle's features?
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    I am trying to find out a reseller or price for the '35W professional HID' light advertised on their site. I emailed their listed email address and got a brochure or something similar, but no price. Does anyone know of a reseller for this company? Many thanks to any help you can give.
  11. Prototype

    LPF WhatPulse team?

    Just heard about the program from a good friend and read up a bit on Wiki, and there is the option to do teams, I was thinking a global laser team, you guys in? More info here: WhatPulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WhatPulse | Taking pulsing into another generation
  12. Prototype

    New O-Like green modules

    It seems O-Like has a new set of green modules, all at really, really good prices: 50mW: Green laser module 50mW For custom build or lab [OLGLM50] - $26.99 : Welcome to O-Like.com, Your source for laser products 100mW: 100mW industrial green laser module [OLGLM100] - $58.99 : Welcome to...
  13. Prototype

    PGL-III-C module

    Does anyone know the size of the module in the PGL-III-C series (532nm)? For instance, would the 250mW 532nm module from Odic Force Fit in it fairly well? I'm acquiring a 165mW unit but I just want more power :eg:. Alternatively if anyone knows anywhere else to get similarly sized modules of...
  14. Prototype

    How I stopped worrying

    And learned to love the bomb! That's right, Dr. Strangelove is on, Turner Classic Movies, just started. Micheal J. Fox is the guest programmer who chose the movie for tonight. If you don't know what this movie is or is about, and are able to tune in I highly suggest you do, it is without a doubt...
  15. Prototype

    Arctic G2 Review Edit: Added a lot of pics

    Hello all, this is the start of my review on my G2 Arctic, which I was asked to review by WL. Got a lot of work to do so I'll just leave you with one picture, the included NoIR style goggles from WL. Goggles VS 5mW Core Overall the laser is awesome, wonderful host, clean threads and quite heavy...
  16. Prototype

    New Aixiz module holders

    Was notified of these by a good friend: http://aixiz.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=223&osCsid=7cc6c4f556516565b1504d213c236175 Very low price and they look good, anyone seen these before?
  17. Prototype

    Need help with motorola W175G

    Kinda urgent as this is one of my alarm clocks, but I kinda...broke it. It's a Tracfone branded Motorola W175G and I pulled the battery out while it was on, which caused it to reset the date to 01/01/07 and 12:00AM, but it's not 12:00AM so naturally this is wrong, and the alarms are all wrong...
  18. Prototype

    A Michelangelo behind the Sofa?

    Saw this story and it blew my mind, a man's family had what appears to be a real Michelangelo painting sitting in their living room, wrapped up and sitting behind the sofa after being knocked off the wall in the '70s by an errant tennis ball and it sat there until recently, it now resides in a...
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    Arcade/MAME/Anything help

    Alright, I've decided to build a counter-top Galaga machine, mainly because I love Galaga and have access to everything needed to make a proper little cabinet. The software part is where I hit a big snag. I know I can use MAME and can set it up to use a Front Loader to bypass Windows screens and...
  20. Prototype

    600mW+ 532nm labby, $487

    This is from the same seller as the previous few, including that 550mW+ one for $410. + 600 mW 532nm GREEN LAB LASER MODULE WITH POWER SUPPLY - eBay (item 170545082474 end time Oct-05-10 10:45:18 PDT) The same seller has several Class IV argon systems up for sale, but shipping on them would be...
