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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    FYI I reached out to techood about the 425s. Apparently there was a shipping delay from the manufacturer to them and they will start shipping on 5/25.
  2. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Interesting, I have some 395s too and those look identical to 405s. 375 is just barely visible to me though
  3. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Nice to see another run of those too. Beware the datasheet calls for a 25+/-5C operating temperature range.
  4. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    LOL I bought 2, not the whole stock. Yeah same behavior, I'm guessing this is an attempt at a driver soft start. Are you using AAA's or a 10440 and a spacer? The latter works pretty well for me.
  5. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Techood listed some 425s. Not sure if these will be in limited supply, I've been trying to get some for over a year. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145055172249
  6. ZRaffleticket

    My first 561nm pointer

    Oh I sort of hijacked this, sorry. I like the WL host a lot, I have one as well but I can't get it to be both serviceable and set up such that the entire module doesn't freely twist in the host and get the button out of alignment. Did you run onto that and have a solution?
  7. ZRaffleticket

    My first 561nm pointer

    The emission itself is about on par with other DPSS but I may also need a higher resolution spectrometer to tell. vs 532nm: I've had 57xnm modules from both lasence and opt. The very first set of opt ones are 940nm pumped, but I think only that first batch. Every other one I have is 900nm...
  8. ZRaffleticket

    My first 561nm pointer

    Normally yes it would, but the SFD "self frequency doubling" crystals are a different beast that you shouldn't really lump in with conventional wisdom. Everything lasence does is SFD, which has a range of 530nm-575nm with a few outliers as I understand it (not including CNI rebrands)
  9. ZRaffleticket

    My first 561nm pointer

    I also got one of the 561s, those are a bit of a different story. Can provide screenshots if needed but I don't have any on hand. Mine measures 558nm, which is a little on the greener side than 561nm. Not an error in my measurements as a "real" 561 measures correctly, plus side by side this one...
  10. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Got mine today - also confirming 593.5nm. You'll probably have better luck revising the listings for a known wavelength to search for. Feel free to use my spectro measurements below or to ask for cleaner ones as these are a bit sloppily cut I'm pretty convinced this is the usual yvo4 process...
  11. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    I'll have one later this week from a US-based seller who may or may not want to be identified. ~25mW
  12. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    I ended up buying one of each of those pens too, will try to remember to update on any info I find. Based on discord conversations, apparently the 589's are actually 591nm. Supposedly they both use the cursed SFD crystals. Hard to say what the pump is without checking if that's the case...
  13. ZRaffleticket

    Highest Power rare Wavelength Handheld ever build?

    Yeah that 577 is chonky, hard to find occasions to pull it out. CNI did 671nm handhelds a while back, I think aryntha still has one. I think some of the old 589nm and 473nm handhelds also hit 180 ish mW max. Rare wavelengths at high powers.... I guess the one to beat is my 2W 484nm. I'm also...
  14. ZRaffleticket

    Messy Laser Spot on Sanwu Pocket

    Yep because the lens sits further back inside the host - it is still happening but the host itself is blocking that stray light from coming out the aperture. That's probably the best way to handle it, but isn't really an option on the pocket.
  15. ZRaffleticket

    Messy Laser Spot on Sanwu Pocket

    Bingo. The issue is that the lens and diode combination causes this, though in this case, the sharp 488 will do this with just about any lens. The raw diode output diverges at a rate that causes it to clip at the focal length of the lens. You can try swapping lenses, however the cap on the...
  16. ZRaffleticket

    NUBM44-81 (V2) current wavelength distribution

    Not to derail the spectrometer discussion. Why stuck on trying to bin overdriven 445-450nm diodes when you could be trying to bin overdriven 440-445nm diodes whose manufacturer is known to have poor precision on wavelength instead? Sharp has a 5W 440nm diode #GH04C05Y9G (edit: seems to have a...
  17. ZRaffleticket

    LTB Sanwu RGB handheld

    I know the older 7 color handhelds did not have great alignment or color balance, but that's probably the only option available right now. Anybody who bought the sanwu RGB are probably going to be diehard collectors that shelled out a lot of money for them, not sure you'll find someone who...
  18. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Some gradually lost power over time, others have just flat out died for no reason. These don't have a great track record unfortunately. I've had I think 15 of their modules over time, of the ones I remember: 1 hasn't changed at all, stock driver 1 hasn't changed at all, swapped driver 1 is still...
  19. ZRaffleticket

    The OBIS 355-20 laser

    I don't have the full pinout either, but this is the bare minimum to get it to run. Good luck.
