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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. hoo7h

    Any thoughts on this?

    I like your spirit :wave: Good luck and please post the result when you are done :D
  2. hoo7h

    Need some answers (first post!! :))

    Hello and welcome to the forum Yes it can light match since it 100mw and focusable. O-Like has a bad reputation, so it might be under-spec.
  3. hoo7h

    Little help on building M140 into C6

    The driver probably wont work because the voltage required for the flashlight is lower than the voltage for the M140. I think it might work with the red diodes only.
  4. hoo7h

    O-Like 250mw red DO NOT BUY!!!@@

    2:44 Man are you serious ??, you are using a 250mw laser without goggles ? Thank god it got broken, or you you would of blind yourself !
  5. hoo7h

    Shipment being reviewed by Customs? (Canada)

    Yeah I know that its dangerous, but you know, I buy the stun gun for like $5, and I sell it locally for more than $120, hard to resist. But I will never smuggle like this again, a lot of stress and you are afraid most of the time.
  6. hoo7h

    Shipment being reviewed by Customs? (Canada)

    I actually did hide stun guns inside an xbox once, they didn't catch it :eg: Also when I was coming back from the US I did hide a cross bow, damn I was soooo scared, but everything went nice and easy because I disassembled it into pieces.
  7. hoo7h

    Shipment being reviewed by Customs? (Canada)

    Damn, I always thought that Canada was like the country of lasers, and everyone is allowed to buy lasers online, that sucks. More countries banning lasers, I think one day will have to travel to China to buy our lasers. And wtf is wrong with Australia ??, they even check flashlights !?
  8. hoo7h

    9mm NDB7875 445nm blue laser as 1st DIY laser

    Well thats a nice dot ! And the host looks awesome as well, it can fit a really big heatsink.
  9. hoo7h

    New host design feeler: GE-X1

    Well yeah I would definitely buy it for 60-70 if I am looking for this size. I would also like to suggest you make it with some colors, maybe mix a yellow with it. And also consider making one that accept 3x18650, it would be awesome.
  10. hoo7h

    Safety Goggles: Welder

    I would suggest you go with the Eagle Pair, I got a pair my self. The thing is, with the ARG, you may not see a dot at all, and that sucks. You will see an orange dot with the Eagle Pair so it would be easier to aim.
  11. hoo7h

    Looking for a Career in Lasers....need advice!

    Why would you want that ? If you really like lasers, you can have part time job that includes laser, such as building and selling, maybe start your own company. I would suggest you find a job that will make you stand on your feet first, then you can think about your hobby and how you can make...
  12. hoo7h

    Price Drop! MXDL Kits with 22600 Battery $32ea Shipped

    Re: FS: MXDL Kits with 22600 Battery and Knurled Focus Knob $45 Are these a just add diode and driver hosts ? and btw is it possible that you can include a contact board with the both leads (Positive and negative) ready ?
  13. hoo7h

    What goggles should I get?

    You should know that Arctic outputs a 445nm(blue) light, so any glasses that works good with any 445nm(Blue) laser, should work with Arctic.
  14. hoo7h

    What goggles should I get?

    Yes they have a very good reputation, I have bought my self a pair as well. BTW, A quick look at the Safety & Legal Issues section would of been enough to answer your question, please read and search before you post.
  15. hoo7h

    Wicked Laser lenses

    Well I am not talking from any experiences as I didn't try the Arctic yet, and I wont buy the lens. But I have tried these lens that comes with the cheap red laser, tbh they are boring, bunch of points and shit. Hmm, for $50, I wouldn't take em if I were you.
  16. hoo7h

    Goggle for a +2w laser, Eagle Pair or what ?

    What I just understand is, that the cheap goggles might be sometimes OD4-6, but sometimes its not. I just got my self an Eagle Pair, will update the thread with my impressions when I receive it.
  17. hoo7h

    New Mace of Doom 2.0 Compliments of My New Mill

    Damn you heatsink is as big as some host man
  18. hoo7h

    Reference Guide: How to Combine Lasers

    wow very helpful, it finally solved this mysterious subject. BTW Polarized beam splitters can be used to combine more than 2, correct me if I am wrong, but I think if we put one more module beside the one that we rotated 90, and we put one more half cube in front of the full cube, we will have...
  19. hoo7h

    ONGOING: Big Boy 3x18650 Host $30

    Eud, if there is any ready heatsinks and ready to be shipped just awaiting payment please tell me. Thank you very much
