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  1. A

    Star Wars Rogue One

    Is it better than the previous (Disney) movie ? Because my friends were largely disappointed and as a result I skipped it ...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    I'm not sure whether talking about "middle eastern" you have in mind this area: Middle East The Poland for sure is not there neither we are.:beer: But we're close to Turkey, which is in. I guess that the solar energy harvesting in these countries is more beneficial in terms of power per square...
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    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    Some 1200dpi LASER printers manage to focus using such small lens. At a few cm then there are beam shaping cylindric lens (before the mirror) and then after the flat mirror, additional layer of lens which some people call "theta" lens. They're bigger. I have such lens (beam shaping, theta from...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    @Benm: Would you feel happier if the population of Bulgaria had become as dense as it's in NL ? I live in Sofia and it already needs space and fresh air... Our politicians since the socialism have taken measures to ensure population growth: The government gives money to the mothers per child...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    You guessed it right - they are systems of 2 lakes at different height with water pumps and turbines. Giant underground supercapacitors could work as energy storage to compensate for the day/night differences in the load instead. Don't know how feasible is such solution though. ..... For the...
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    Homebuilt 3-5W Copper Vapour Laser System

    That was really nice ! What was the original usage for this LASER in Russia ? Medical ? Scientific ? Didn't know that such lasers (Cu) exist. I ask myself, whether based on this technology is possible to exist also Na and Hg lasers.
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    Techhood, anyone have experienced with them?

    Robinson kindly responded to my question and said that the new batch from Sony's factory comes with the markings and the new crystal holder. Also that we shouldn't worry, since the other parameters are the same. I'll be able to confirm the power output after I have a LPM. SLD3237s should yield...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    IMO you suffer similar taxes in NL. But if your country doesn't use usable land for Solar cells, you do it better. Here, almost all land is usable except the rocks in the mountains. But nobody tries to put solar cells in the mountains (because it's difficult) and thanks God, because the last...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    Yes, cost per kW is that really matters on the Earth. In the Space, probably the efficiency and the radiation-resistance (endurance). Do you have such rules who subsidize the businessmen who run solar powerplants ? Do you pay "green energy tax" as part of your monthly electricity bills ? Here...
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    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    The things are even more fuzzy - the lens systems we're talking about are being sold as "collimating lens" with different front and back focal length. The focus in a spot at given distance is accomplished by changing the distance between the L.Diode and the lens system....
  11. A

    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    Now I'm really confused, because what lazeristasUVISIR said about the longer focal length is the opposite of what Cyparagon said: I begun to think that the question is not stated clearly enough. We're talking about Diode-->Lens-->Mirror->Surface kind of system where the mirror does not distort...
  12. A

    Running Multiple Lser Diodes. (NUBM08)

    O.K., I surrender. Viva the linear PSUs. Everybody's free to think and make it his way.
  13. A

    Running Multiple Lser Diodes. (NUBM08)

    1. Yes, I admit that I haven't seen them in oscilloscope, what interesting could have missed ? Bad current limiting ? 50 mA ripples at 4A load ? 2. This 4V drop is nearly impossibly to achieve, because your 41V Li-Ion battery pack (scaled from 4.1) will be discharged at 30V. So you have to have...
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    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    The pdf at laser66 says this for G2: 6.33mm dia., 4.00mm EFL, 2.40mm BFL, NA= 0.60, so according the theory above, they should create even smaller spot than the Chinese @ ebay. But then they should also have inferior divergence than the loger FL lens, am I right ? And the members here buy lot of...
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    Best lens setup for smallest most perfect focus dot possible at around 300mm distance

    We're doomed :( - said C-3PO ... e.t. tied to the "shit results" because of the 12 mm hosts. Thanks, Cyparagon for explaining this. But I did not understand this: "Since op is insisting on getting rid of option 1". If shorter focal length makes smaller spot, then among the unknown 3-element...
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    Talking about costs, the governments could play better role in encouraging the green energy usage. For example, they could remove the VAT tax on the solar cells when the citizens buy them to install them on their own roofs. They could also free/reduce "The green fee" tax on the consumed...
  17. A

    10 ML101U29-25 for $25!

    If you drive them just a bit lower, you will get short lifetime. I think 250 mW should be the max for a long time burning experience. Anyway I'm building a non burning medical laser up to 80 mW with it. My only concern is heat - it should not cause discomfort.
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    Quantum solar cells could explain why plants are green

    I have read about another solar cells being proposed by a teenager - William Yuan has invented the nanotube solar cell in 2008...
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    Running Multiple Lser Diodes. (NUBM08)

    There are Chinese DC CC CV switching mode buck regulators on ebay. I'd use one of these for higher efficiency and less heat. For 4 diodes x 4.5v you'll need to tune it for at least 18v and the current limiting should also be tuned and verified before you connect it to the diodes. You'll need at...
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    Night photo 700mw BDR S06J-12x-405nm Blu-Ray Laser Pointer

    For the people who read the above - we did this vetting and it semi-worked, but it turned out that it is unreliable. Nobody would like to post his real pic for a more reliable vetting process. @Alaskan: The white sock was funny :-)
