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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. C

    Hello all!

    Sweet, I remember seeing you on PL. (No, I'm not the same chad that's over there... I haven't registered because my name's taken. xD I just lurk. ) Welcome!
  2. C

    803T optics breakdown...

    1-3mWs. They aren't burner diodes.
  3. C

    Post your PC setup .

    Gaming PC: 3.2Ghz Intel single-core processor (Core 2 Quad is on the way... thank the Lord) 2GB DDR2 RAM 320GB SATA HDD 20x Sony DVD-RW Drive 382MB EVGA 8800GS Logitech headset Razer keyboard and mouse... Lycosa and Death Adder. :D Dual-Booting XP Pro SP3 and Ubuntu 8.1. Laptop: Dell Latitude...
  4. C

    Toys coming my way.

    *sigh* I guess that's what I get for not reading it... I sent him another email asking about the 164. DIBS. I am getting this one. <.<
  5. C

    Toys coming my way.

    Uh... WTF?!? Rehese told me I could have these... LAST FREAKING WEEK. since when do you get them??? >:(
  6. C

    Interesting laser photo! :D

    It's light painting (look it up on wikipedia or something), but with a laser instead of a flashlight. I do that all the time, actually. :D
  7. C

    803T's GB  Closed, Thanks ALL!

    Re: 803T's GB  (They are coming SOON!) 21$ + s/h Payment sent for 2.
  8. C

    SWITCH! look! glass that's fluorescent to 532nm :O

    Not anymore! BEHOLD!  :D [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  9. C

    15W argon/krypton 220V single phase on Ebay

    Last time I checked, 3-phase residential would run you about $3000-5000... Might be more, though. Also depends on the company.
  10. C

    Kenometer on Vista?

    Wait, since when do Kenometers have datalogging? Mine seems to be lacking the feature. :( First, check Device Manager to make sure the COM ports are on and updated.
  11. C

    Large Hadron Collider.

    I'm not really sure what I think will happen... I mean, if they end up being able to observe the higgs boson, it'll just be more stuff to study. I don't think it's going to produce very many extraordinary results, although it will be very cool if they find out what they think they can find out...
  12. C

    10 pin cd player diode.

    if it has that many pins, chances are it does a few different functions... might be a power-variable diode, or a photodiode, or something completely different. PICS! :D
  13. C

    Newegg Shipping Question

    UPS says shipping to Buenos Aires (since I don't know what city you're in :P) is $140 for a 14x8x3, 2lb package.  :o
  14. C

    Someone suggest a laser for me please.

    Hey, welcome to the forum. Jack tests all of these to make sure the IR output is minimal... so you don't have anything to worry about there. And -- You'll probably want the 55mW version. It'll be a lot more fun... trust me.
  15. C

    FS: 1 set of W.L. Black Burning Caps SOLD OUT

    Re: FS: Several sets of W.L. Black Burning Caps I'm not interested, but these fit X-series/other CNI pens just fine. They're also a bit more handy than you'd think if you have a laser that needs a lens to burn.
  16. C

    Battery Brands

    I prefer either Eneloops or e2s... depending on what I use them for.
  17. C


    Stricken - Disturbed The Unforgiven - Metallica The Gargoyle - Paul Gilbert Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin Map of the Problematique - Muse there ya go. 5. :D
  18. C

    techlaser infinity series 15mW

    to counter all the positiveness... I've got 2 lasers from them. One was a 75mW, which was a total POS from day one. They ignored my customer service emails for almost a year, and then I get an email from the FREAKING CEO, who says he'll personally pick a 125mW out for me, plus a crapload of...
  19. C


    I'd just like to throw another word out there about how incredibly freaking awesome OEM Laser Systems is. My PL-III peaked at 229mWs this afternoon, and it's rated at 100. Even with nearly dead batteries, it wouldn't drop below 145mWs. That is pretty insane... and, of course, absolutely perfect...
  20. C

    Who here has been banned?

    Did you ever read that review? PM basically proved that the torch is a POS. One of the battery contacts melted after just a few seconds of use. Of course they wouldn't like that. And, if you hadn't realized it already, WL's policy is to ban anyone who says anything even remotely negative about...
