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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. jander6442

    Missing My Wonder....

    Isaac is your girlfriend out of town or sometin. :P
  2. jander6442

    LPC-840 discussion thread

    I wonder why no one use the CG X-drives those are some wonderful drivers I use them for everything NOT boost.
  3. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Since your a stickler for details do you mean just in parts, or time total plus parts, estimated street value?????:wave:
  4. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Then you need glasses:whistle: he even said it looked out of place. Even though it is a laser it clearly was different than the others. Done deal. Good job ;)
  5. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    It was fun and thank you for your participation now everyone knows who's the king. muhaaaa:worthy:
  6. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Sorry you think so, the winner seemed to reinforce the stupid little jingle's value as applied. Good job.
  7. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Hey we have a winner... Good job man I would hope someone would wonder what is that KD 50 doing on the upper shelf all those units are my favorites for one reason or another. When I get to my pc you get +5, can you share your method. :beer:
  8. jander6442

    Members should not be allowed to request that threads be closed, unless good reason.

    Closing threads is common practice, now deleting/altering threads is pure censorship and would be my que to leave. Pi R well spoken very good insight.
  9. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    I did not mean to have you think that was a clue Isaac sorry, I meant that it should stand out like the description not that is has to do with literal terms (fat vs skinny). Keep trying.:beer: Photonz if you could tell me your method I could tell you how close you are in in a round about way...
  10. jander6442

    LPC-840 discussion thread

    You could always look throught the window with a jewellers glass at the bond wires.
  11. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    No that's not it that little one is my first use of the now infamous blitzbuck... An m-140 set at 1.8mA and just happens to climb at a very slow rate prolly 1.9mA after 1.5 min. Host is one of those 3 Costc0 value packs it has a G-2 lens however and is a really good burner. I use a 3 10440...
  12. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Those were my first series builds as a matter of fact, but none my very fist laser. I was buying 30mW greens for there body and using the modules for parts. That is not it.;) I can say that is a 30mW (prolly higher) module taken from the didla's that DJNY guessed at... custom built greenies...
  13. jander6442

    4 diode laser?

    Please explain this statement, to me it sounds like your setting us up for a custom made dual host. I you can verify then I would go further into my guessing on who, what, where:whistle:
  14. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Good guess jay, how did you get to figure that was the one? That is not the right one however, that little honey has a PHR in her with one of Bosco's 20mm fans.... yep that little unit when clicked on goes voo0oooom. After all the guessing going on the methods of some members were getting so...
  15. jander6442

    Reminder of the upcomming July 4th

    I have the best time with almost everyone when the cloud of spent powder lingers overhead after the firework displays. I even had the fire chief once stop by and used my handheld a little to check it out.
  16. jander6442


    Here are some pics of my beast. http://laserpointerforums.com/f40/pgl-lll-593-5-now-my-collection-78867.html Unstable as Pelosi, but Keep your eye on the prize brutha
  17. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    That is an early one http://laserpointerforums.com/f38/405-phr-waterproof-adjustable-43953.html Strong method but that's not correct. http://laserpointerforums.com/f51/key-chain-mini-m-140-a-80807.html http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/lil-bass-pro-shop-build-86939.html Sorry my man...
  18. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    Well now that's just racist.:eek: Sorry no, but you and Isaac have proved to have a good method so far. http://laserpointerforums.com/f40/pgl-lll-593-5-now-my-collection-78867.html
  19. jander6442

    All Hail the King

    No sir, I have been wanting to do the ultimate c6 build pretty soon... I have been thinking about that one for sure.:beer:
  20. jander6442

    Angelo is missing since 04-15-2014: any notice about him ??

    Plus he had all his wisdom teeth pulled so after that ordeal it would take a little time to heal. If you want quality stuff then sometimes you have to be patient which you are so good on you.
