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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. jander6442

    Anyone worried about their Li-ion batteries now?

    Welp I had used a unregulated mod works good great flavor, but one day I was washing my car and the mod slipped down my door cubby and when I finished the wash the damn thing had been on and sucked the juice dry and melted the nylon between the coil post. The batt. were real warm to say the...
  2. jander6442

    Will O-like jack me?

    Well try them and report back to us.
  3. jander6442

    How would you react if the reputation system is removed on LPF?

    Ha ha!!! Don't feed the troll good job ARG. I'll rep you for that any day.
  4. jander6442


    Thanks everyone I ordered one of these and according to a reviewer the magnetic on/off requires a constant on state drawing .034 current.
  5. jander6442


    Are these batteries rechargeable. I know lithium ions are of course??? FDK CR-1/3N 3V Lithium Battery - 3 Volt 160mAh CR1/3N
  6. jander6442

    How would you react if the reputation system is removed on LPF?

    I say we double your rep on your birthday, except IE. I would suggest giving me his rep. He's a New York'er anyway so rep means nothing to him...j/k:na:
  7. jander6442

    I feel like I'm being ignored or something

    Pardon what did you say?
  8. jander6442

    18650 + m140 + X -drive 1.8 = No?

    The X-drive is a buck driver you would need a higher voltage than what the diode will use so the driver could buck the voltage. You want to get a X-boost driver for that build unless you do as PI stated, however you'll have reduced runtimes... could get quality cells to help out I guess.
  9. jander6442

    "Yellow" from O-like

    I would link the thread.
  10. jander6442

    The best laser ever with the best expander ever :)

    Wow more like a laser RPG sweet
  11. jander6442

    FS: 1.2W+ 520nm new price **SOLD**

    Re: FS: 1.2W+ 520nm new price Hey Joe sorry about your GP I know how that feels and miss mine every day take a break and go bag a deer and spend some time to take GP to the hunt one last time.
  12. jander6442

    What's a daguin?

    And the clouds separated and like a dove d-a-g-u-i-n spoke.
  13. jander6442


    Nope just looking at raw beam at an angle under thick vape cloud chasing.
  14. jander6442


    Seems under heavy fog I see a strong blue line running parallel to the green beam in my 515nm GB diode. Blended of course. sorry no camera still:yabbem:
  15. jander6442

    Home defense weapon

    I would rather be tried by a jury of 12 than carried to my grave by them.
  16. jander6442

    Need a better red diode for project.

    The X-drive with a pot is continuous neg and as such will drive a red case ground diode.:beer: http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/x-drive-x-boost-88589.html#post1289145
  17. jander6442

    3w NDB7875 build

    You can still rep you long press and open in new tab then leave rep
  18. jander6442

    GITD Dorcy Jr 1W 405nm build

    Nice looking build but please give us some real info... How much power what current anything as far as numbers would be nice. This build deserve it.
  19. jander6442

    Name the best reactions you've got from people

    Brought mine to a Boy Scout meeting one time..... Instant celebrity.
