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  1. 3

    DX 200mw red = 655nm ?

    Will the Wicked Laser Shades cover 662nm? I'm looking at the chart on the wicked lasers site and it seems to cut it pretty close.
  2. 3

    Retard Police officer shines 30mW laser in my eye.

    Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye. Yeah I think that you should sue. I don't know why there isn't any damage though.
  3. 3

    Why Dilda?

    WtF o.O
  4. 3

    Why Dilda?

    thats what i thought...but then why not the dildo-laser. why the "a" instead of "o"
  5. 3

    Why Dilda?

    Why do we call the red DX200 a Dilda-laser/Dilda-lazor?
  6. 3

    Ughhh - My button is broken?

    Same thing happened with me. They are a PAIN IN THE A$$ to open, so I suggest you just kinda deal with it.
  7. 3

    My life is over

    Sorry ace but from what I've seen, when you get a sense of superiority over other members you tend to act a little dickish.
  8. 3

    For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm*SOLD*

    Re: For sale: 95mW Dilda-ray 405nm Would it be possible to arrange something if I gave an 803t diode and a flexdrive in return + money?
  9. 3

    Do you ALWAYS wear safety glasses?

    Only with >5mW, and be completely honest.
  10. 3


    Alright, well you've quite obviously won me over, despite the indirect insults. I'm going to make a related thread/poll to see who actually does always wear them.
  11. 3

    How to remove excess solder?

    Yeah I think I'm going to try the braid and flux, since for some reason, I can't seem to get the tip of my iron clean to save my life. I've used a sponge. I have a crappy $8 iron from radio shack, and at this point, I have to search for a spot on the tip that will actually melt the solder. PITA
  12. 3


    Am I actually getting substantial damage from simply looking at a dot? And when it says "650nm" protection, is that the general red area, or only that precise wavelength? Would it protect like 665 or 660nm?
  13. 3

    Returning to Deal Extreme>Advice

    From what I've heard, they are amazing at customer service, and have been with me with backorders. It might be a problem that they just recently fixed.
  14. 3


    I repeatedly told him not to. The only time it concerns me is when im close to the dot while trying to burn something. I get the kind of thing where it's hard to see because of all of the light. Are there glasses that will cover from green to red?
  15. 3


    Do I NEED eye protection for everyday use with my DX200? I've been using it for a few days with no protection, and it doesnt seem that bright since it's red. My idiotic friend even shined it in his eye and nothing happened. It does light fuses and burns quite nicely though.
  16. 3

    How to remove excess solder?

    Looks like I'm off to Radio Shack for the bazillionth time this week lol.
  17. 3

    How to remove excess solder?

    I only have basic materials, and flicking a diode doesnt seem safe to the diode.
  18. 3

    How to remove excess solder?

    I know there are those bulbs that will do the trick, but I don't have access to one currently. For the time being, is there any other way to do this? (I have a blob of solder in the middle of all three pins on my 803t diode. No, there is no pcb board under it.)
  19. 3

    what to attach esd strap to?

    Well you have to start somewhere without fear of being laughed at. I know loads about computers and stuff, but not much when it comes down to basic circuitry.
  20. 3

    I think I fried my milos blu-ray

    My red DX 200mW looks a little like that unfocused...is that bad?
