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  1. 3

    Strange Things About Blu-Ray (405nm)

    Well that didnt take long ;D
  2. 3

    Video comparing green to bluray

    Lol yeah, the paint on my Nova X45 is flaking off and its ugly as hell. It's almost a completely brass tubing.
  3. 3

    rebuild - 180ma

    I know it makes you feel like an asshole, but sometimes you just have to flat out say no. I learned my lesson when i let kids play with my laser with me providing some safety glasses. Took me an hour with a flashlight in the dark (we were camping) to find the spring for my dilda and the rubber...
  4. 3

    Strange Things About Blu-Ray (405nm)

    PM c0ld. He'll definately stickify this
  5. 3

    Strange Things About Blu-Ray (405nm)

    Well, the fat beam also has a lot to do with the crappy aixiz lenses.
  6. 3

    1st day with dx 200mw red, Break my pc

    I did this to my iPod Touch. Luckily though it's under warranty.
  7. 3

    216mW stock Dilda.

    Both of the dildas that I've ordered have been around 220mW
  8. 3


    Ask drlava, I think he had one of their 1 watt IR PGL
  9. 3

    WANTED: people to contribute to the laser wiki

    I still don't understand why you won't just put it on Wikipedia!
  10. 3

    Green laser that burns better than a dilda?

    Green will burn better, just as blu ray will because of its really low wavelength. Also, I think the SK-Y 1 watt IR lasers float around 250-300 USD, you should check them out.
  11. 3

    Random story game

    On some forums, this thread is a success, and on others an epic fail. Pretty much we generate a stupid random story by each person typing in a one word post that goes along with the last one. I think you guys will catch on. Ill start: The
  12. 3

    Kryton Logo competition

    Sure Was :)
  13. 3

    Laser Hobby Wiki?

    Are you sure? I watched a documentary which said that Wikipedia invented the Wiki. Something about the Hawaiian word quick mixed with an encyclopedia. Regardless, I think that it should be hosted on wikipedia, since I'm sure that would be the first place that a noob would look for a wiki on lasers.
  14. 3

    Laser printers

    What kind of lasers are in laser printers, and how do they work? Anything harvestable?
  15. 3

    Laser Sightings in My Area

    Or better yet, you could have Pandora online radio sue them for copyright infringement for using their "P" logo on as the websites little address bar icon.
  16. 3

    Hello from Washington State, USA

    So did you all end up going to that show? Oh, and on a side note - HumanSymphony, everytime I see your avatar, I wanna burn a hole through your afro really badly.
  17. 3

    405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

    Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER Gahh I'm at the edge of my seat waiting for an update!!
  18. 3

    WTB: PHR-803T at decent price!

    I doubt that you will get many offers if you want to use Western Union. You should create a PayPal account.
  19. 3

    Family Guy or South Park?

    Family Guy and South Park really go hand in hand with me. South Park is WAYYY more original than Family Guy, but despite the utter stupidity of Family Guy, I still get a great laugh out of it.
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    xbox live

    Mine is AllThatRemains5 I'm generally not on anything other than Call of Duty 4
