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  • just touching bases w/ laserboy--you do OK?? Len in Texas
    This is funny, I just logged in after sooo long. I bought something from yobresal so many years ago and now I'm trying to find where those messages are cause I need to get a new battery for the laser..can't remember the type.
    Hey, Luke. A while back I purchased a Mace of Doom from another member and you completed the build. After a few weeks of having it it stopped working. I have been out of the country for a few months and haven't had a chance to send it back to you for repair. Please let me know when a good time would be to send it back to you. Thanks my friend. Take care.

    Yo, Brie Seal, Are you alive LUCK, USE the FORCE LUKE. We just want to know all is OK and you are OK because if you aren't OK, nobody is,,,WTF;&%-jeez, sry;). So move your middle finger to the up position, and I'll know your alive. I may not understand such language under what circumstances, but kindly, please be alive and safe. We all love you.
    So, let's do it. What do you want for shipping to 95073 and how do you want me to pay? I'm a big fan of google wallet or paypal. Let me know.
    Sorry for my ignorance... what do you mean by divergence much nicer?

    EDIT: Ok I looked up beam divergence on wikipedia and I think I understand it. Can you send me both lenses and I can switch back and forth depending on what I need? I don't mind the $50 and $5 price tags for them.
    Got a 2 watt+ from you almost a year ago. I broke the focusable lens... was wondering If I could buy that lens from you. Do you remember what you sold me??? I can provide more info if you need.

    Sorry... just noticed your post of not selling anything... Sorry mean no offense. But if you have a suggestion of a replacement lens please let me know. PM or e-mail is ok.
    Hello ! My birthday is in 15 days and I really want a laser :) so I was wondering if the 50$ DIY kit has everything you need to build it ? Also would you help me out building it since that would be my ferst DIY ? thanks !(;
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