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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • I am wondering what kind of things you "vets" DO with your lasers, after acquiring, tweaking and comparing etc. ?...and after burning up a few things (which gets old fast it seems). Do you do experiments? Laser shows? Holograms?
    If you have a question that you are not sure should be asked in open forum.. I may be able to help.
    or can direct you to another vet who may know more../. while I can never be an expert on everything I DO know those that are experts on most things.

    have a good 2019

    btw are you going to give up your zip code??
    lol Jkidding..

    77422 lol
    I have lots of dumb questions and maybe a couple of good ones! I will think a little more and post, or maybe just ask you.
    Zip code is a closely guarded secret (not). i will add, and see who is in my area (Thousand Oaks).
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