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  • After buying from nnluxury.com, I realize the luxurious handbags and watches are certainly not expensive. My lovely handbag only costs me $120 with free shipping! It really is five times cheaper than my local stores! You need to find it!

    fossil leather
    I haven't got to burn anything, as I don't have safety glasses, I don't want to risk eye damage, sorry ^^
    Hey :D update my sanyo 2600maH arrived, and they run perfect :D i'm so happy i thought it was the laser, anyways i will try the parcial refund thing :D THankZ:D
    I see you allready posted a review :D mine came on the 15/11, i was anxious too ^^
    I allready did a review(yours is better) I'm very pleased with my first laser :D

    Glad both of our purchases went out perfectly :P

    Now.. whos gonna be the first one to have the balls to test that water resistance? xD
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