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FrozenGate by Avery

Recent content by Externet

  1. E

    What battery is inside ?

    Want to open it to coat/fill everything in melted wax to make it waterproof.
  2. E

    Price difference... why ?

    For industrial use, it is understandable marketing higher powers, if they are true figures. About 405nm; you know more than me. 405 shows more for engraving, at least on ebay. What would be preferred ?
  3. E

    Price difference... why ?

    Thanks. Could it be that chinese interest$ hide which published milliwatts are electrical consumption and which are optical emission power ? Telling the truth could impair sale$, right ? The one with heat sink/fan has the exact same12mm module inside. There is no room for a driver board...
  4. E

    Price difference... why ?

    Hi. These engraving lasers differ greatly in price. Do they differ greatly in performance ?
  5. E

    Space Discussion Thread

    A few pages of a report for your own evaluation... If you want the rest, and is allowed to post, let me know. Please delete post if improper.
  6. E

    What battery is inside ?

    Hello. Just bought this rechargeable $6 red pointer from curiosity, housing is plastic; do you know what battery is inside, if it is replaceable, is the housing openable or is it a disposable ? Cannot unscrew it other than the lens :(
  7. E

    Which lens should I buy ?

    Thank you. The current lens supplied with this cheap engraving laser focuses the beam dot to shorter distance when unscrewed out; from about 12cm all the way in to about 3 cm when out. Does not provide a dot at any distance farther than 12cm when the lens is all the way in. When the lens is...
  8. E

    Is a non-dark style available ?

    Hi. This black screen is not of my preference. I there a normal 'light' style to choose ?
  9. E

    Which lens should I buy ?

    Good day. A chinese cheap and common 1500mW violet engraving laser 12mm module focuses to about 10 cm with its supplied lens adjusted all the way in... What lens can be installed instead to focus at ~10m, or beyond ? It is not for engraving.
  10. E

    Looking for proper housing...

    Hello. Please recommend a housing that can receive a 18650 cell; and a module like pictured below. Did not see something alike at ebay and others :( Should be very waterproof like these with side switch, (not at tail) :
  11. E

    Is it ok to run a laser diode from a 3v to 5v step up converter with a resistor?

    If the laser current is respected under the maximum specified, the initial and final voltages are irrelevant.
  12. E

    Magnetic + reed switches availability ?

    Hello. Is there any provider for the sliding magnet captive in a groove assembly to be mounted outside of a plastic tube ? The reed switch itself, I have a bunch; is simple to find. It makes it truly waterproof. Used also in this one:
  13. E

    Focusing or collimating ?

    Good day. First post with lots to learn. How to produce a ~3mm dot at 6 metres (1/8" at 20') with a 405nm module like this 12.2mm diametre, ~46mm long module that has some lensing on it. With its lens all the way in, the beam still diverges. Do I need a housing with lens or collimator or both...
