I've started using all the modules and extra diodes I bought, to make a laser show box. I have plenty of little dc motors around. Already figured out how to make some huge freaking beams when I was playing with Nichia 08's.
I am now the proud owner of a 200mw-250mw( 250mw driver, cranked all the way up, so maybe a little more or less, don't have an lpm yet) 635nm. It's like a baby little tiny burner.
I have completed 3 pen builds, 405nm 150mw, 445-450nm 4000mw, and 532nm 100mw. While burning things at 10 feet while lying in bed is rather cool, I much prefer the 532nm pen. Not only is the 532nm the brightest of the three, it's just really a sweet color.
Upon completing how to build a cnc laser module ( by back tracing circuitry elements and looking up what they were) and activate the ttl/pwm signal to set the board without an engraver running, I moved on to a cooling system. I built the cooling system of Tec chips and controller boards ( like many circuits before). Keeping the laser at a steady 65 degrees F and the steppers at a nice balmy 80f.