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Recent content by Commander J. Bloodmaker

  1. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    How do I stop my roof leaking in heavy rain?

    Tack a big tarp over the area affected until you can get a roofer to repair it. If you can do it, you climb up there and find where it's coming from and replace the shingles or roofing there. Roof tar can help seal smaller holes, and for use along edges, valleys and flashing.
  2. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    445nm 5W+ Beam divergence?

    I have never used any of those. I actually purchase almost solely from techhood on ebay. I have been doing business with them for literally years. May have put some of their kids through school by this point. lol. They are so good to me. I will write them an email before a purchase and let them...
  3. Commander J. Bloodmaker


    Thank you.
  4. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Gas in Glass from the Past

    I have only diode, I drool for gas and crystal lasers. lol
  5. Commander J. Bloodmaker


    That's what I needed to know, the color shift. Thank you. How pure is the wavelength below 4amps?
  6. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    New member joining

    Nice to meet you good sir/ma'am. Don't get addicted. You'll end up like me. I have heaps of stuff in Tupperware containers all over. I am eventually going to make a very precise interferometer, just don't have everything yet. What am I saying, get addicted!!!
  7. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Shipping lasers to Australia according to the USPS

    Sorry. I was having a bad day and needed to vent. I usually stay out of it and just read and enjoy. I promise you this won't happen very often. I think I did it about a year ago or so too. My daughter died when I did that. I just needed to yell, but had no one to yell at. lol
  8. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Shipping lasers to Australia according to the USPS

    Isn't it amazing how we let these elected officials treat us like children and we put up with it. Not a basis on moral grounds, but complete control. I don't know about y'all, but If I was going to go on a rampage, a laser would be the last thing I would pick. Just the sheer size of a laser...
  9. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    6 Steps To Prevent You From Getting SCAMMED

    Nuclear batteries rule!!! Go P-239!! lol
  10. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    6 Steps To Prevent You From Getting SCAMMED

    Hmmm 50w from two 5v batteries. Hmmmmmm. Where are these 5v batteries. Hmmm. All mine are 3.7v batteries, and 7.4v with two. An we all know when running it's more like 6-6.5v output from the batteries. I'd like to know how they are drawing 25amps from two little batteries. 😂. Don't even know of...
  11. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    6 Steps To Prevent You From Getting SCAMMED

    Even though this thread is 11 years old, it all still holds true. I sell custom parts on another forum, and I only accept money orders ( you will be charged a $60 fee for a money order, they are hard to cash around here for some reason) or paypal. No cash, ever. I also update my customers...
  12. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Goggles question

    If you ever wanted to go blind, by all means take those awesome goggles off and let the optic destruction begin!! That is a joke. Really if you are pointing it at the sky or a good distance away ( like a gun, always know what you are aiming at and what's around and behind that), you don't need...
  13. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Size measurements of emission face of various diodes, mostly single mode.

    I NEED MORE!!!!! MORE PLEASE, OH GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!! Thank you for this thread, I love it!!!
  14. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    589nm vs. 594nm Yellow Wavelength Comparison

    Lasers are like pringles to me, I can't just have one. I have to play pokemon with them and catch them all!!!!!!
  15. Commander J. Bloodmaker

    Focusing a laser to a very small dot

    I think @kecked is on the right track here. Light weight, accurate, and feasible for just about anyone willing to learn how to build one. No special lenses or anything needed. While more complex than slap together, it is easily within the reach of a college student, cheap to make.
