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  • Hi Tom,

    Sure, I'd be happy to LPM any modules you have. Sounds like an interesting product. In terms of 'what it would take', I'd be happy to do it for free, or in return for one of your finished products (once they're done). :)

    You can ship whatever samples you'd like to me at:

    Andy Baldman
    UNH InterOperability Lab
    121 Technology Drive, Suite 2
    Durham, NH 03824

    Do the modules come with lenses? Just curious, as that will affect the results. I can drive them with my bench power supply, or whatever batteries you choose. Just let me know what you'd like, and I'd be happy to help out.

    (Also, feel free to email me at aab@iol.unh.edu, rather than responding through the board.)

    Hi Andrew,

    My name is Tom and I live in Grand Isle, VT. I am developing a high end laser pen with machined titanium bodies, and just received the laser module samples. I noticed that you were on the List of LPM owners and I wanted to see what it would take to have these modules tested. They are very small 5mw 3v modules and I want to see if they are consistently below the 5mw. A little background on myself, I have a strong precision manufacturing background in the aerospace industry, as well as a strong product design background. The laser module and electrical/optics aspect of the project however is new turf for me, so I am very interested to see what sort of characteristics these modules come back with. Anyways I look forwards to your response and I appreciate you time either way!

    -Tom Rittenburg
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