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Change Has Come To Priceangels

It not hard to do, it's easy with pen pointers and only takes 20-30 seconds time or so each one (of course high end portable lasers do take time).
It's also the only way to show the true output.
If John's a drop shipper, then a meter will be of little use to him unless it's just to verify low output on returned lasers.
A sample of 5, 10 or even 15 units will be of little value statistically unless the reading he gets are all within small range, even then with so many variables like I mentioned in my post above, it would only apply for perhaps that days run of laser on that particular assy. line and assembler.
Using a meter to just sample a small lot every once in awhile will be little more than useless. I've been in the business for almost 6 years now and I'm speaking from experience here.
He doesn't need to put up a webpage listing each individual laser and it's output. All that needs to be done is that each is tested and the power level recorded and included with the laser, as long as a 50mw laser outputs 50mw or more, the buyer won't care and they will know exactly what the output power is.
I'll tell you one thing, it takes alot less time to just test them beforehand than all of the paperwork, time and money to arrange a product return, then test that returned laser and ship a new one that has been tested.
Best just to do it as early in the enitre process as possible or it costs a bundle in time, money and reputation.

Any average power data is infinity more valuable than no power data...statistically speaking :rolleyes:

The testing of each laser just will not happen. If turn out wrong ill be the first to put my foot in my mouth.

Any average power data is infinity more valuable than no power data...statistically speaking :rolleyes:

The testing of each laser just will not happen. If turn out wrong ill be the first to put my foot in my mouth.

Without testing each laser before shipped I doubt I would purchase from them. IMO its the only reason for a seller to make use of an LPM.
The testing of each laser just will not happen. If turn out wrong ill be the first to put my foot in my mouth.
Insert foot in mouth then.
I test each of the lasers we ship (Optotronics), even the 5mw ones.
I believe other manufacturers like Nova, laserglow and others do as well.
It's not rocket science and it's the only way to ensure the customer gets the power they ordered or if the damn laser really even works and isn't DOA.
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Without testing each laser before shipped I doubt I would purchase from them. IMO its the only reason for a seller to make use of an LPM.

If 5 out of 5 "200mw" lasers test 50mw or below...how is that not useful information?

Insert foot in mouth then.
I test each of the lasers we ship (Optotronics), even the 5mw ones.
I believe other manufacturers like Nova, laserglow and others do as well.
It's not rocket science and it's the only way to ensure the customer gets the power they ordered or if the damn laser really even works and isn't DOA.

My foot is staying comfortably planted on the floor.

Lets compare

Optotronics Product Details


Focusable 200mW Green Laser Pointer with Safety Key Lock (1*18650 Battery Included) $29.28 Free Shipping

Your 200mw green laser is $569.00 and his is $29.99 shipped

Yeah if you can afford to test every single laser he should be able to too. :crackup: (where is the emoticon thats bashing its own head in with a hammer?)

Good apples to Lamborghinis comparison

Obviously your lasers are quite a bit nice but my point is that you are making a heck of a lot more money per sale and alot lower volume of sales. Of course you can test each one.
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This sounds great, to be honest. Laserbee's LPMs all come calibrated and should be at least fairly accurate. At the low power level of the lasers sold on priceangels (I don't expect any can actually exceed 500mW, not sure if they can even reach that), Laserbee's LPM should give a reading with a much lower error than 10-20mW (neglecting environmental conditions), and that is wonderful for a large, Chinese reseller/drop-shipper.

I couldn't be more impressed!

The only advice I would venture to give is that, while testing lasers from batches is good, you should allow customers to request a power reading on the specific laser that is being sent to them. This way, you still have a semi-accurate estimate of the power of your lasers in general, from the 5-10 lasers you test from each batch, AND if the customer is picky enough to want their specific laser tested, you can perform this for them as well. This should appease all parties without taking too much effort like testing every laser would (though it is still the best option for supreme customer service).
Why do these threads always turn into pissing matches? :tsk:

John testing lasers does not take that much time after you have your LPM set up properly. Like Boot said, 30 seconds or so for each laser. It has been said many times, people dont mind paying a little extra for an onspec laser. Unfortunately this wont work with drop shipping. You'll have to have the lasers go through your company. Its hard to say what you should do. Because lasers vary widely in power, taking 5 or 10 and measuring them will not be a good way to judge the batch. And what if they are all majorly undersprec? Do you return them to the supplier, or sell them cheaper, losing money in the process.

If it was me I'd get all lasers to come to my company. Group them in batches. All green pens in one pile, all green style 1 in another, then style 2, ect. Measure every one in the first batch, and price accordingly. Then measure style 1, ect. For the underspec lasers you can keep the price you have now. For that are onspec charge a little more. For ones that are overspec charge a little more than the onspec.

Also you should not be paying shipping in both direction for returns. Thats bad business. You have openly said many times on this forum that the lasers are underspec, and to hold off buying them till you can set up testing. If people ignore this, its their fault, not yours.
My point is just that you cannot test every single laser and sell at these prices and still expect to make money enough money to make it worth your while. The whole reason these lasers are cheap is because they skip all the expensive stuff like nice parts, high quality control, testing, truthful power ratings etc.

There is a reason these lasers are some much cheaper and that reason is being ignored by alot of people. Testing a few lasers to get a more accurate reading doesnt cost much (but does cost something keep in mind because they can no longer be drop shipped!) that is why its a feasible answer.

Either that or he will have to move to only high quality lasers or only testing the high quality ones so that he can make more $$ per unit just like every other seller who is able to test each laser.

This is a basic concept that all products follow. The quality control at Ferrari is different then at Kia, just like rolex and timex, just like surefire and ultrafire, etc etc etc

The fact that we may be able to get some extra quality control for only slightly increased prices is what I am excited about.
How about you all stop arguing about trivial stuff and just recognize that John here has put a lot of effort into becoming a better salesman and providing great service.

From what I can see he is doing an investment on future potential customers. I don't know about you, but I don't see many companies doing things like this (assured quality, or at least he says).
Assuming PriceAngels is a dropshipper, the best John would be able to do is to have some of each laser delivered to his office for testing.
It would then give an idea of the actual output and spread of that article/SKU number.

He could then have a text in the description of e.g. a "200mW" pointer saying something like:
"5 units tested by us to, Total/532nm 92/75, 80/65, 60/50, 77/64, 80/57mW"

It is not quite the same as testing each laser and binning them accordingly, but it is better than nothing, and achievable.

Knowing a realistic range for each item makes one much more comfortable than the rather high gamble of guessing the relationship between price, manufacturers rating, and actual rating.
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John, where can i ask you for a special item?

in here on lpf or ....?

i'm interested in the "True 200mW Green Laser Pointer Pen Black" sku70961
I think it's my time to clarify something. even since the first day I came here, the word dropshipper comes to my ear again and again. I don't know for sure what's the acctual meaning of draopshipper, but from what you said, I know it is not a good thing. Maybe it means that a store don't have its own products but only fo bussiness for other company or factory?

I have to tell you the business model of priceangels is just the same with walmarket. We get products from suppliers, put them in my warehouse, then sell. The only difference is that we don't have too much stocks, in order to cut down stock fee. Maybe only a few for each kind of products. (we have nearly 10000 kinds of products, we can't stock too many for each) That is why we are cheap.

Now, I'm trying to make a plan for my laser and flashlighter bussiness. We will have output guarantee for some of my lasers, and of course we will test each of them before send them to you. But for some lasers, such as 5mw laser keychain, it is possible we won't give any guarantee, for if any, the shipping fee you send back will be over the price, we can't afford that loss. I don't know if it seems reasonablt in you mind?

Thanks for all your support!

BTW, do you know how to connect lasersbee LPM to computer? My workers has some trouble in its usage. They told me the drive can not be set to PC, then what's the matter? I'm on vacation now, can't do it myself.

thanks all
reliable john
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John, where can i ask you for a special item?

in here on lpf or ....?

i'm interested in the "True 200mW Green Laser Pointer Pen Black" sku70961

thanks, you'd better place an order in our website. Then you can get the order number, which is important for customer service.

Thanks again
