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FrozenGate by Avery

General News Discussion

What really is a ceasefire? Yes I know what it means but why would you trust the enemy to stop because all sides called one or because they signed some paper. Wars go on for years with brutal weapons and brutal deaths and brutal torture and all the sudden both sides say lets take a break and your going to trust the enemy??
Pulling back some troops just doesn't cut it. Its like 2 guys fighting and calling truce but it doesn't guarentee that one doesn't sucker punch the other in the back after they stop fighting.
I see it more as all sides regrouping and re fortifying supplys.

The thing you have to remember is a ceasefire is agreed on by the government and/or military leaders who don't do the dirty hands on fighting, they say things like " we spent 20,000 troops to take that geographic feature " or " we can sustain spending 1.25 million troops a year at the current conscription age range " so they look at things a very different way.
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The thing you have to remember is a ceasefire is agreed on by the government and/or military leaders who don't do the dirty hands on fighting, they say things like " we spent 20,000 troops to take that geographic feature " or " we can sustain spending 1.25 million troops a year at the current conscription age range " so they look at things a very different way.

Trump is giving everything away to Putin without getting anything in return. THAT is waving a white flag!
They should deploy some of those water cannon trucks that are usually used for riot control against the advancing Russian Army. Except that instead of water they are filled with vodka. So the Russian troops just relapse into alcoholism and are left incapacitated drunk and passed out drooling on the battlefield.
Trump is giving everything away to Putin without getting anything in return. THAT is waving a white flag!

Trump is working to end the war and to save lives, too many young men both Ukrainian and Russian have been wasted, Trump actually cares about human life unlike you hypocrite woke progressives who only pretend when it suits your agenda.

Now Biden likely at the direction of Obama gave everything away to the terrorist when he pulled us out of Afghanistan in the middle of the night, leaving weapons, equipment and vehicles for the Taliban and destroying the new democracy so many sacrificed to bring to Afghanistan.
Don't worry. With Trump's tariffs it will be down again soon enough. Ed Martin, a person at the 1/6/21 riots is Trump.s new prosecutor at the D.C. office. He has done everything possible, even taking over a nonprofit, USIP in D.C. using the police and threatening the USIP's own security to take it over by saying they would never get a contract again to work. The judge who is looking into this seemed skeptical today that this couldn't have been done legally and without threatening citizens with firearms. This is Trump's New America!
The thing you have to remember is a ceasefire is agreed on by the government and/or military leaders who don't do the dirty hands on fighting, they say things like " we spent 20,000 troops to take that geographic feature " or " we can sustain spending 1.25 million troops a year at the current conscription age range " so they look at things a very different way.
What a disgusting way of talking about human life. Solders are just numbers.
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What a disgusting way of talking about human life. Solders are just numbers:mad:
That's sadly always been a fact throughout history and still true today... Many die for the will of a few. Man that's just gut wrenching when you think about it.
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That's sadly always been a fact throughout history and still true today... Many die for the will of a few. Man that's just gut wrenching when you think about it.
Sure is. I always knew about individual solders just being numbers but just hearing it again makes me ill again.

My Father had me late in life at 47ish. He was in WW2 but in the Greek Army. He got drafted 4 or 5 seperate times.
As a very young kids we tend to love and romantisize war and found it cool. Remember the old war movies I watched were mostly tamed and not like the brutality they show in Todays movies.
Saving Private Ryan was a great movie to see the true horrors.

I always asked my Father if he killed anyone and when he said No I was bummed out some.
Years later and a tiny tiny tiny bit smarter :whistle: I spoke to him about me asking him that question and he understood I was just very young.

I know he was up in the mountains in a cabin with Greek solders on one side the Turkish enemys on the other side. Even sharing a few things.
No one wanted to die or kill one another..
He did suffer some heavy frost bite on his feet and toes to which his toes and nails looked deformed some.

I'm also sure every member here has a blood line of War Vets.
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Yeah, my father was also in WW II and Korea. he retired a Colonel after 21 years in the Army. But, I was subjcted to years of military crap and never wanted anything to do with it. I was subjected to the Vietnam draft. Had a student deferment.
Why do you think the news is told to report casualties as " troops " They say ( ____# of troops were killed in action today ) because calling them " troops " dehumanizes them and makes the news easier to swallow.

My Grandfather was in WWII, he was a small man but fast, he actually stormed the German pill boxes with satchel charges to blow the doors and my Father stayed out of Vietnam by joining the national guard, he did serve during the race riots and told some funny stories, like the time some Major had dad drive him around in a jeep during the race riots, this Major would jump out and yell at the blacks and then get back in the jeep..... at one point after yelling at protesters he asked dad " your rifle is loaded isn't it ".... Dad said NO, but the jeep is in gear and my foot is on the clutch. As the story went the Major wasn't so brave after that.
Yes, this is a lawless administration. Republicans won't impeach any judges. This is not a winning strategy for them. No crimes were committed and no one wants to go there. As Chief Justice Roberts said, The appellate process is the proper way to deal with a ruling one disagrees with.
