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FrozenGate by Avery

SOLD—Few Items FS. Laser hosts and Hyperion LPM

Apr 9, 2016

Hey guys, long time no see!
I'm just dropping by the sell some stuff that I have sitting around not being used. I'd like to get back into the hobby some time but it might be a bit while I settle into life some more.

Shipping included in price

Up first we have a Hyperion LPM-$60

I think this was the lower end model that didn't measure past 500mw but I could be wrong. Don't really remember
I don't have any 9v batteries right now but I'm gonna run to the store later and grab some. Then I'll fire this bad boy up to prove its still good to go.



Next we have an older Eghemus host!-$40

I bought this a while back and replaced the original diode with a NUBM05 which sadly decided to pop the other day. The driver and Diode are still inside should you wanna try to scavenge either to see if they work but I'm pricing this as just the host. Tail button needs a little black paint as well.



And finally we have an ULTRASABERS model light saber! -$80
I don't think they even offer it in Black anymore
Original Product Page https://ultrasabers.com/product/war-glaive/
Post from me turning it into a laser https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/dark-war-glaive-lightsaber-nubm07e-470nm.100272/
This thing easily holds a larger (??25mm I think??) copper heat sink from DTR in it and is long enough to hold two 18650s. The inside is a little large for the 18650 so you might wanna try and add something in there to reduce the ID and keep them held in place. Wonderful host and looks amazing with a High Powered in it.

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good luck for sale
Thanks buddy, good seeing you again :)
Its been such a long time and reading back through some old posts I'm really missing this place. I'm still pretty young though and I have some life purchases and decisions to go through for a little bit. I hope to come back soon
If I'm nor mistaken, that LPM is capable of measuring up to 6+ watts if you get the code from astralist to unlock it. Many here have been looking to buy one, so it should move fast. You must be moving out of lasers if you are selling all of these. Sorry to see that.
If I'm nor mistaken, that LPM is capable of measuring up to 6+ watts if you get the code from astralist to unlock it. Many here have been looking to buy one, so it should move fast. You must be moving out of lasers if you are selling all of these. Sorry to see that.
I look to move back into maybe in a year or two, but I never used the LPM much and I was never bothered too much to the exact power of my lasers, except when I used to own some rarer wavelengths
That Hyperion, even if it is set to low power should measure up to at least 2 watts. You are selling it very cheaply. Didn't you pay $75.00 plus shipping to get it? I have the same meter, but have both sensors and it is unlocked to measure 6+ watts and 20+ watts. I paid $250.00 for the whole thing with the uncoated sensor too.
That Hyperion, even if it is set to low power should measure up to at least 2 watts. You are selling it very cheaply. Didn't you pay $75.00 plus shipping to get it? I have the same meter, but have both sensors and it is unlocked to measure 6+ watts and 20+ watts. I paid $250.00 for the whole thing with the uncoated sensor too.
Tbh I had forgotten how much I paid, but yeah you're right, I guess its going a little too low. Thanks for the info :)
Hi - has the war glaive host been ‘gutted’ completely, or does it still have the internal contact for the batteries? Either way - please PM me.
Hi - has the war glaive host been ‘gutted’ completely, or does it still have the internal contact for the batteries? Either way - please PM me.
I’m sorry to say that you’re just a few minutes late☹️

All items are sold

The host can still be bought from ultra savers brand new for $114 you just have to choose the option that gives the hilt only
I have never seen a sale post sell out so fast 🍻
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Just curious. Who picked up the Hyperion LPM? If they don't want anyone to know I understand. It's is just that there were several people looking for one recently.
Just curious. Who picked up the Hyperion LPM? If they don't want anyone to know I understand. It's is just that there were several people looking for one recently.
I haven’t been told whether or not they’d like to reveal themselves but if they see this they can do so :)
