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FrozenGate by Avery

1000mw vs 500mw - what's the difference

Jun 26, 2018

I'm a new member and just bought my first high powered laser.
I bought a LT-301 1000MW 532nm Green Light High Power Laser Pointer from
LaserPointerPro. I expected it to come with instructions but it didn't. Aside from shining it into someone's face and being conscientious of reflect able surfaces. What should I be aware of? The little research I did seems like this is a class 4 laser. I'm not sure whether I am suppose to wearing glasses to even look at the beam from a distance? It seems like when I first tried it out looking at the beam gave me a headache. What is the difference and should I be handled any differently. You input would be much appreciated :>

If you even consider pointing either near anyone's face, they certainty one thing in common: you should not be handeling them.
Your laser is almost certainly not 1W, but probably less than 500mW, so class 3b.

You need glasses for your laser, you can get some at survivallasers.com.

We’ve been getting these threads all the time lately, use the search bar at the bottom of the page to look up safety tips.

Please make a welcome post in the welcome section so we can help you better
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LaserPointerPro is a company the blatantly misrepresents the products they sell and charges several times what they are worth in the real world marketplace to unsuspecting people that don't know any better by means of a slick web site.

Output wise you are lucky if a laser 301 outputs 100mW more commonly 50mW to 80mW.

LaserpointerliarPro just adds zeros to the spec ---no way on earth it is either 1000mW or 500mW.

You should have check in here at LPF before buying and everyone would have told you about the misrepresentations and outright fraudulent representations of Laserpointerpro

Please make a Welcome post in the Welcome sub-forum with something about yourself and indicate your location on the planet if you expect good response
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If you had made an introductory post first and told us what you were planning, many of us would have warned you away from Laserpointerpro. They sell way under spec cheap builds for way too much money. It won't be anywhere near 1 watt. It could be 200 mW, which is 1/5th of a watt. Anything over 5 mW is not considered eye safe, so it will still be dangerous. It is never too late to post an introductory thread and tell us a little about yourself and where in the world you are located.
Even if the actual output power is only 100 or 200 mW, do not ever shine it at peoples faces. And you don't actually -know- the power output, you could get a "good" unit that actually does 500 mW or more.
Lol definitely not shining it in anyone's face. I have common sense lol. I ment as in shining it and looking at it from the side.
Lol definitely not shining it in anyone's face. I have common sense lol. I ment as in shining it and looking at it from the side.

Here is a good Laser Hazard Chart - it details safe distances: http://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png

You can study up on laser safety on this excellent web site: Laser Pointer Safety - A comprehensive resource, for safe and responsible laser use

If you are interested in prices for high quality lasers w. true output listed see: https://www.jetlasers.org/
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It most definitely is anywhere from 40mw to 80mw..
Like a few had mentioned, really wished you did some lurking here before being scammed for a regular ebay 301, $8 ebay unit..:(
It is what it is and I doubt you can return it for a refund.
Anyways it uses only 1 "18650" or 1 "16340" if the battery tube can be removed. "Pos" of the battery goes towards the end cap with the key. It is a "pos" ground laser and don't make a mistake putting the battery in wrong as it will fry the laser, and it won't recover.
These dpss 532's fluxuate in power while on meaning mod hopping, and
don't like cold weather and will dim or just not work. Need to learn to keep it warm if its cold out when your star pointing..

Well, re reading your first post I guess you have the battery and basic's figured out.
The headaches are probably from looking at the spot while focusing which by now i'm sure you realized. Not sure what instructions you want:thinking::whistle: Its common sense and following the laws.
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I didn't pick up that Laserpointerpro's LT-301 is just a plain old $5.00 301 you can get on eBay any day of the week. You will not even get 100 mW out of one of these. I have gone through many of these and the 303s over the years and the best I ever saw was 90 mW. Some of these have a focus on them, but it is only useful to focus the laser to a smaller point up close. Otherwise, you will want to leave that screwed in all the way as that is where infinity focus is.
I that a good website is laserpointersafety.com
Read it learn it. You only get one set of eyes.
1000mw green lasers are rare and only few brands make them, laserpointerpro.com has a blue laser power rated 30000mw, That’s absolutely fake! 30000mw laser can ignite some metals. And using a laser especially a green laser over 5mw requires using proper safety glasses. And if you want to shine that into someone’s face your an evil person and I hope you burn in hell. That’ll do permanent eye damage
1000mw green lasers are rare and only few brands make them, laserpointerpro.com has a blue laser power rated 30000mw, That’s absolutely fake! 30000mw laser can ignite some metals. And using a laser especially a green laser over 5mw requires using proper safety glasses. And if you want to shine that into someone’s face your an evil person and I hope you burn in hell. That’ll do permanent eye damage

Yes>>>Laserpointerpro is a 100% garbage site--everything they sell is misrepresented/fraudulently presented.

Never go there or buy there .
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