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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser dot/beam pictures

Apr 2, 2014

I would like to know how you guys are taking pictures especially of a high powered green laser dot and/or beam. Because I‘ve got some advice from other members that they don’t buy lasers without seeing a pic of the dot or beam of a laser.

I will be very thankful for any advice.



I would like to know how you guys are taking pictures especially of a high powered green laser dot and/or beam. Because I‘ve got some advice from other members that they don’t buy lasers without seeing a pic of the dot or beam of a laser.

I will be very thankful for any advice.


You push the shutter button after pointing the camera at the laser while it is on. :crackup:

You do not qualify to sell anything on LPF.
You can not post anything for sale on LPF with or without photos.

You don't listen or pay attention to anything anyone tells you + .
See post #22 and 23 here and also see the number of your posts in that thread removed for attempting to circumvent Buy, Sell, & Trade rules, here:

To repeat from https://laserpointerforums.com/f39/must-read-before-you-can-post-buy-sell-trade-board-74202.html
in case you do not understand English:

"This board is now "moderated."

That means that thread starters must be "approved" by a member of the admin team

In order to start a thread, the member must now have 20 **laser related** posts and have a "positive" reputation (green squares).
Posts in the "Welcome" board and the "Off-Topic" board do not count
SPAMMING the boards with short, non-content related posts to reach 20 may lead to a ban

Anyone may reply to a thread already approved

NEW posters SHOULD read the sticky at the link below to see what your potential buyers are going to be looking for in your "For Sale" thread
Six Steps to Prevent You from Getting Scammed


**EDIT** --
"There were LONG and complex discussions before this rule was put into effect.
Just because a new member was not here for that discussion does NOT give the new member the right to question the rule or ask to have it explained to them individually or to be allowed an exemption
The rule is in place
Live with it "
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Hi Encap,

thanks again for the info that I am not able at the moment to post in the B,S&T section. I had to learn, that in this forum a hard tone prevails.

Anyways, how do you capture the photo? Do you use just the camera of your phone or does it require a DSLR camera for good shots?

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Hi Encap,

thanks again for the info that I am not able at the moment to post in the B,S&T section. I had to learn, that in this forum a hard tone prevails.

Anyways, how do you capture the photo? Do you use just the camera of your phone or does it require a DSLR camera for good shots?


Take whatever camera you have and point it at a laser from the side at about 60 to 90 degrees more or less to show the beam while it is on, and take a picture--see what you get.

Nobody is going to babysit and spoon feed you on how to take a better picture with no evidence of ever attempting to do so thus no possibility of constructive correction comment.

Use the LPF database Search at the bottom of the page. There are hundreds of posts about taking pictures of lasers.
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Spoke with this man, verified someone please use some Visene ASAP to take the red out.

That you spoke with him doesn't change his circumventing Buy, Sell, & Trade rules or whining about how to use a camera, however. :crackup:
I understand, I just wouldn't have negged him for that myself, my reasons were invalid.
Spoke with this man, verified someone please use some Visene ASAP to take the red out.
Just put him in the Green for you...

How old are you to not know how to take
a picture...:thinking:

Thanks Alaskan, but it’s just unbelievable how you get shellacked here. Wow. I'm really close to leaving the forum.
Let me put it another way, I am working on fixing some of the troll problem by verifying those who are willing to do so. This individual is clearly an adult, he wouldn't let me see him on camera, or it wouldn't work, I don't know, but that's fine with me after talking a few minutes. I saw some nice photo's of that laser, very nice. If he will take PayPal I don't see the risk, as long as the money isn't sent as a gift.
