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FrozenGate by Avery

Is this laser any good?

It's good. Some of them last a long time, some don't. It's cheap enough to not hurt buying. It'll have a visible beam and might pop balloons if focused.
Might as well. Those 301/303 style lasers are usually reliable enough, and at that price there isn't much to lose.
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"any good" is relative. Compared to what?

Those vary a lot in price approx. $5 to $15 and are mass produced toy quality lasers.

Is hit or miss mostly but you can get an actually tested and output power metered one for a couple of dollors moer here: https://www.sanwulasers.org/product/304green
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"any good" is relative. Compared to what?

Those vary a lot in price approx. $5 to $15 and are mass priduced toy quality lasers.

Is hit or miss mostly but you can get an actully tested and output power metered one for a couple of dollors moer here: https://www.sanwulasers.org/product/304green

Agreed. Get the Sanwu 304, it's what I recommended in my guide. This will be a definite hit rather than the hit-or-miss-quality of other companies. :)
IDK... that eBay seller has a feedback rating of only 97.7%.
Then in the description he states the 18650 battery has a
capacity of 4800mAh... ??

You may end up with a stick and a charger.
But then again it's under $9 with free shipping.

8 Dollars
It has been shipped now i can inform you guys on how good it is when it comes
fojumdk, now also is a good time to get some safety glasses. Being that it's most likely way overspec and focusable, it is very bright when trying to burn or light a match and it will hurt your eye's.
This laser will bring you to the next level and glasses are a must if you continue because you will catch the laser bug:)
Just a little update.
The laser can burn through paper with a black spot on
