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FrozenGate by Avery

Survival Laser NDG7475 Build


Aug 27, 2010
Finally got around to finishing my first NDG7475 build the other night. Measured output was over 1.2W with a driver current of 2.2A. These diodes are not nearly as efficient as the 445nm diodes, and a small handheld laser gets hot pretty quickly. The beam however is truly amazing! :drool:


The build used the following:

NDG7475 diode in copper module from DTR

SL S4 host with extended and tapered copper heat sink

SL 2.2A driver and pill module

G-2 lens assembly with black anodized extended focusing ring

External lens spring

• 2 x RCR123A/16340 batteries

Silicone lens cap



Céramique 2 Thermal Compound

Aluminum driver heat sink

• 2 x 18650 batteries

Battery extension tube

Yeah it was expensive, but I had a good excuse because my wife wanted my 70mW PL520 build. ;)

Very nice SL S4 build, and .....it can double as a handwarmer!
Sounds like you came out ok in the trade with your wife. :D
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Great build ! I love builds that are on the edge of insanity. It's like stuffing a V-8 in a Volkswagen Beetle. There is absolutely no logical reason for it. Except because you can. People will look for hours to see how it was accomplished and say how crazy it is. Then say I sure would like to drive that thing. :crackup:
I for one completely understand why you did it and commend you. Thanks for sharing it !
That is awesome. REP +1 :beer:
Thanks guys! Last night i was too tired to make the video, but hopefully later tonight. I just measured it again on my LB and it produced 1,241mW peak.
