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FrozenGate by Avery


Re: Green Laser Building HELP

I need help on how to build a green laser, using the model 24 stielhandgranate laser host one kind wwii grenade replica.. I bought this from Mrcrouse, but honestly I have no idea how to build a laser!

What I am looking to build: a laser, green 15-30mW, I am trying to make it as cheap as possible.

And whatever else is required to build a laser.

My budget is $80. Also, I dont need a host.
Can Anyone assist me with some tips

I searched, but I dont want to solder anyway to avoid soldering?


Edit: Whatever Parts I can get, ill be happy.. If I can get better materials, great! If not thats fine, too!

If you will be building a green laser in that then you will be using one battery not two, so I would recommend asking Mrcrouse if he can include a third battery spacer, or otherwise plan on making one yourself.

Fortunately its a plug and burn host meaning it is already wired with a battery contact board so it is easy to build a laser in it. Just a little assembly and soldering together two pairs of wires.

To make it easy you will want to buy a complete module with diode/lens/driver already included and with wires attached. If you can go a little higher to $90 I would recommend this module from DTR, the one on the bottom left for $90. This is the one I used in a recent green build and I get 82mw out of it. https://sites.google.com/site/dtrlpf/home/diodes/pl520-520nm-laser-diode

For some very detailed examples of how to easily build a laser see the white links in my signature, especially the 520nm and 405nm. Good luck and show it to us when its finished.

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Re: Green Laser Building HELP

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Re: Green Laser Building HELP

What colors can I use the default spacer it comes with, blue, purple, red, yellow?

Well if you want a complete module with driver like what DTR sells then you will have to stay with blue 445nm or 450nm, otherwise your going to have to do more of the work yourself, assembly will be more complex. I see you already have a couple of 445nm, why not try a 450nm https://sites.google.com/site/dtrlpf/home/diodes/osram-pltb450-1-4w-450nm The $90 or $118 ones at the bottom of the page will work. I am about to build one of these myself.

Re: Green Laser Building HELP

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Re: Green Laser Building HELP

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Re: Green Laser Building HELP

You saved me a lot of aggravation, thanks!

Your welcome. Be careful when you put that together, its the first build where your most likely to make a mistake. If you have any doubts about something then post a question, and be sure not to put the batteries in the wrong way, people sometimes kill an X-drive that way.

Re: Green Laser Building HELP

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Re: Green Laser Building HELP

If you're putting a blue module in that host you just solder red to red, black to black then battery up and lase. Batteries go positive toward the module.
Re: Green Laser Building HELP

Thanks, and what tools do I need to solder?

Just a soldering iron and solder and some heat shrink or at least electrical tape to cover the solder connections, heat shrink is better, and the host should come with an allen wrench for the set screw in the heat sink that holds the module in place.

