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FrozenGate by Avery

This is Getting Bad

This is serious indeed, and can very well cause a major blow to our hobby :(
The line on the article which bothers me the most though is this one:

Laser attacks on aircraft occur an average of 11 times a day, the Federal Aviation Administration says.
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It's only a matter of time until they start banning lasers 5mW and less. I just don't understand how people could be so stupid.
It's only a matter of time until they start banning lasers 5mW and less. I just don't understand how people could be so stupid.

Couldn't agree more! It really takes some immaturity and down-right having no respect for others to do something like this.

By the way, +1 to you for sharing this :)

Oh, boy.

$10,000! I am worth a lot of money!

I kid, i never point my lasers at airplanes


Couldn't agree more! It really takes some immaturity and down-right having no respect for others to do something like this.

By the way, +1 to you for sharing this :)


Thanks for the +1 :). Just felt that people in the hobby should be more aware that the heat is being brought on. Even accidentally hitting an aircraft while star pointing. We all have to be more careful.
I don't think we are far away from generaly banning lasers...except for industrial/medical/army reasons of course... :(

I don't think we are far away from generaly banning lasers...except for industrial/medical/army reasons of course... :(


I actually had a discussion with my mother this morning about the article. She seemed very annoyed and amazed at how some "kids" could do something like this, she also suggested lasers may not be banned *totally* but some-sort of permit may be required to purchase a simple 5mW red laser.
Like 30 moths to a flame! It's a trap anytime an aircraft flies over a laserist! The video states that : " The FBI plans to end plane laser attacks". And how will they do it? Clue lies in the last sentence of the article : "Man who pointed laser at aircraft lands a 30-MOTH prison sentence" :

*Imagines underwing-mounted moth pods that release bursts of 30 moths that inherently hone in on the source of photons and imprison them in a cocoon of death and silk*
Just today, while driving down the freeway with my Big Bro, we saw one of those huge advertising signs. Problem is, instead of posting ads, a huge message read:

Shinning a LASER at an AIRCRAFT is a federal crime.

I think the government might be trying to get the public aware of what is going on, and see how they react.
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This is really bad... soon we'd be forced to speak up if we want to have lasers
This is really bad... soon we'd be forced to speak up if we want to have lasers

Let's just hope laser incidents decrease significantly in 2014, I say significantly since we will always have those couple of kids who think it's funny to do this, and have no respect toward others.

That being said, I was with my Anser last night, shooting some videos and a plane flew by. I just stood there and imagined how some people could purposely do these kinds of things....really makes me sad :(
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People stop being so alamist. The likely course of action now and the future here in the states is what is happening right now.
