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FrozenGate by Avery

Gungho ninja-like focus

Oct 5, 2013
Well, I just bought this thing called "Gungho". Its supposed to help you focus. I remember seeing it in a video a few weeks ago and decided to buy it. I need help focusing so hopefully this stuff helps. Anyways, since I bought it, they gave me a link where people can get a free trial pack. You mix this stuff with water I guess, you get 3 in the trial pack. You have to pay for shipping though. I don't know how much shipping is.

Anyways if you want to try it out here is the link


Hmm? Curious what the active ingredient is. Phenibut maybe? Let us know how it works out for you.

~ LB
Ninja focus can be acheived through a few recreational drugs as well ;)

Side effect include

Loss of money.

But man the focus!!!
Ninja focus can be acheived through a few recreational drugs as well ;)

Side effect include

Loss of money.

But man the focus!!!

Lol, growing up, I always thought Ninjas were cool. I'm a 70's, 80's kid and there was a lot of Ninjas. Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja, Ninja III the Domination, American Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My favorite and a Ton of others. I never thought about Ninjas using different substances to achieve their Super "Natural" abilities. :thinking:

Makes sense though now that I think of it. Ninjas had a whole mythology that included Alchemy and Black Magic I'm sure.

Loss of money, Withdrawls, burned bridges, etc :) I never went through Rehab, luckily, but I know a lot of good friends and people that did. Thank goodness people do make it through the other side.

Good point to tread carefully with anything a person chooses to put in their body :)

A little research never hurts anyways.

~ LB
I was a ninja kid too!

Only kidding fp. I'm interested to see if it really does anything. Keep us rapidly up to date.

HEY GUY...... IT FIRGGIN WORKS... IT'S LIKE... I TAKE IT... AND,....... HOLD ON.....I GOTTA GO..... OK .., IM BACK......
Yes! updates please.


~ LB
I still think I am a ninja lol I still keep throwing knives and stars in the side of my car door. I have always thought it would be badass to read an article that says..... Armed Robber taken down by Civilian with Throwing Knife.
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Not "your" car door?! :crackup: I thought throwing stars were the coolest thing.

Had to rethink a lot of Movie stuff as I got older. Could you really take a man down with a throwing knife IRL? How much is myth and how much is reality? Especially with Ninjas :thinking:

~ LB
90% myth.

I studied ninpo for a few years among other arts . Most of what is portrayed is folklore. Old exaggerated stories. A large percentage of " ninja" were women who only gain access to rivals territory though ***ual means, only to kill by less extravagant methods ( poison, slit throat)
The ninja were more like a modern assassin. Not sneaking about, but using other method like disguise to do there work.

Sorry. Back to the gungho juice .:D
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Very cool Tmack! I remember going through a phase where I would buy ninja climbing claws and stuff, but nothing serious like you. I have a lot of respect for the arts though and have been lucky enough to meet some remarkable people in my life.

~ LB
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Ninja focus can be acheived through a few recreational drugs as well ;)

Side effect include

Loss of money.

But man the focus!!!

Yeah, this stuff will be what I use instead of adderall. Also a lot cheaper than adderall.
Man convicted in fatal knife-throwing

It is possible this is the only one I found and it was with a kitchen knife

Here is a study done on throwing stars... they can be lethal

[Experimental studies on the wounding ... [Arch Kriminol. 2010 May-Jun] - PubMed - NCBI

That Pubmed article is interesting :thinking: They actually did studies on that?

In the hands of a trained Ninja master I'm sure it would be deadly and Poisoned too. But for the untrained it's maybe better as a distraction to buy a crucial second or two if used carefully.

Bummer about the news story. Sounds like an accident. A kitchen knife is heavy enough to do some damage to the heart :(

There are a couple of old movies that come to mind where there were "Big" Throwing Stars that had the weight of something like a Kitchen Knife that would be lethal for sure.

In Jet Li's Swordsman 2 Swordsman II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ninjas had some massive Throwing Stars that the would throw and ride around on. It's a pretty wild movie and story. :) Hong Kong Cinema at it's best.

~ LB
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