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FrozenGate by Avery

WTF am i gonna do now :(

Jun 6, 2012
paypal have banned me for apprently "not agreing to terms of service" when i asked what specifacly i did wrong they wouldn't tell me off then i kept asking and they stupid fucking idiot kept laughing at me and hanged up!!

my website runs of paypal, my ebay everything, im totally screwed now!
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its from buying lasers.......paypal has a NO laser policy and it looks like someone you bought a laser from screwed up and put something about the laser in the paypal description. that's the only reason i can think of you getting banned from paypal
Its ok. Lots of people are po-ed at PayPal. There are other solutions to buying things online.
Its ok. Lots of people are po-ed at PayPal. There are other solutions to buying things online.

i would love to know them because only way i know of using ebay is through paypal. i would never do money orders or that BS again. many companies use paypal as the ONLY checkout method. DTR now does Google checkout so that's one laser supplier that still would work. ive also heard rumors that paypal contacts your card holder and reports you buying lasers so they can freeze or cancel your card completely. i dont know this for a fact but ive read a few people who have had that problem.
when i asked what specifacly i did wrong they wouldn't tell me off then i kept asking and they stupid fucking idiot kept laughing at me and hanged up!!

That sounds rather unprofessional. What were their exact words?
they just told me that i didnt follow user agrement ( i made a second account) when i asked what rule or what ever i broke they said sorry cant tell u that, im like why not i need to know whay i was banned then they just laughed at mw and told me to go else where i also said how can i shop on ebay as paypal is the only way then they said that your problem go find a solution elsewhere so i cam here im so pissed off
Damn..... I am sorry to hear that I couldn't imagine not having paypal. What if you have a balance can you not access it?
True to the PayPal style, they keep it.

I keep around $500 in my account usually but right now i got around $1000 and was just going to keep it in there. i guess i need to transfer it asap. You would hear about me on the news if they closed my account and i couldn't touch it lol
Damn..... I am sorry to hear that I couldn't imagine not having paypal. What if you have a balance can you not access it?

i have to wait 180days before i can acces my paypal fund they said while laughing!!!!

i can almost guarantee it was due to laser or laser related purchases.

it's not i think it might be because of selling virtual goods
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are you sure you talked to paypal and not some scammers? doesnt sound like paypal to me but who knows
