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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking to buy 200+ green


Feb 21, 2012
I am looking to buy a 200+ green laser, please let me know thanks.

I assume you mean >200mW right?
I'd suggest taking a look at O-Like or Lazerer's stores. They have some good lasers.
I assume you mean >200mW right?
I'd suggest taking a look at O-Like or Lazerer's stores. They have some good lasers.

Yep, between the 2 there's quite a decent selection.
When you've found one you like the sound of, have a search here and see if anyones done a review on it.
Thanks alot looked at both places, just wondering if there were any private builds for sale. but will check out the reviews though. Thanks so much guys I am really proud to be a member here.
well welcome to the forum! :beer:

Nah they don't do custom builds. If you wan a custom build, try contacting Lazeerer, Yobresal, or ask Ehghemus to build a really sweet host for a high powered module! Ehghemus hosts will make you happy :)
Thanks will do I got DTR and Ehghemus name from a friend on here. But thanks for caring to tell me means alot.
