Wavelength : 532nm(250mW)+635nm(250mW)+450nm(500mW)
Combined Optical Power outut: 1000mW
** Operating Voltage: 11-13VDC ***
Warm-up Time: <3 minutes
Operating Lifetime: >5000hrs
Operating temperature: 0 - 40 °C
Modulation: TTL 30kHz
Laser Head Dimensions :210mm x 150mm x 76mm
Beam Characteristics

Near to TEM)) model , Divergence<2.5mrad, Spot roundness >85%
The diode head should not normally be disconnected from the driver board (the diode is very sensitive to static and any accumulated charge in the power supply). Power should be supplied via the attached connector block in the PSU.
this is copy pasta from the techhood listing
so by that what you need is a regulated 12vdc PS- a cheap wallwart would not be a good idea.
you could power it will 12VDC worth of batteries but I doubt it would run very long.
the pros on this:
635nm red- thats about as good as you can as for- nicer red than most others.
adjustable (but still very cheap) dichro/mirror mounts. allows fine tuning.< the top set up does not appear to have these- not good- most would want to un-glue these and attach the dichros and mirror to better mounts.
here is a eekbay listing for a complete set of dichros and high end mounts- you can find much smaller and cheaper like the one above that have adj. mounts. And use the dichros that come with this module-
RGB Laser Combining Mirror Mount Set | eBay
TTL blanking only- those offered with analog modulation allow millions of colors.
while TTL is just seven- R-G B= combined= white(ish) -- Y ( made from R + G)
magenta ( R + B) and Teal or Aqua (made form G +B)
TTL blanking is acheived in a way that 'should' not harm your lasers- done manually (like quickly turning modules on and off) is a NO-NO for lasers-
On the PCB there are three places to hook up/plug in the TTL- one for each module.
AFAIK this is done with 5vdc. a laser show 'card' has the places where these lead to.
This card often has the db25/PC in & out- the tiny mic for sound control (lasers move to the beat of the music it 'hears'-)
a set of dip switches that allow you to change the modes and some have a few built in displays and/or aimations- when you attach the db25 to this board all the above stops and only what you DAC 'sends' is shown.
The DAC runs to your PC where you have the lasershow software loaded.
While very satisfying and rewarding building your own projector will be more expensive(not even counting you labor/time) than just buying one from a China maker like LaserKing- I have a GB(round #3) for four different PJs between 350mW and 850mW all RGB all TTL all great quality for the price which ranges from $248 to $515. (total- express ship included)
to get this deal you need to join the GB- be OKay with me paying at one time for all of us and except how a GB works and all the possible consequences.
Forum members have recently gotten 26 LK projectors from Miss Linna at LK and AFAIK we all are 100% happy.
IN the first two GBs on these I had to pick up the last few unwanted PJs to make the GB go faster-
So I cannot afford to just keep them- i put an Feebay listing and took 699$ for the first- two more must go.. if anyone reading this has Qs(or an offer) Feel free to PM me so we can discuss.
these were $510(now $515) from the GBs ( total) the 850mW is also offered this round at $515. for software bundle deal add $500 for Quick Show.
Amazing 7 Color Laser Projector with Special Effects ILDA PC DMX | eBay