This has been an ongoing project for about 3 or 4 months now, it's part of my A levels and has so far been a huge learning curve, I feel I'm slowly getting there finally, despite the hefty set back of a burnt out transformer flyback transformer yesterday! The laser tube is 40cm between electrodes, 60cm between mirrors and has a bore of 11mm. The HR is plane, and the OC is zinc selenide of unknown splitting ratio. I won 4 beam splitters, 4 lenses and a mirror all for 10.6 microns on ebay for £50, and thankfully CO2 lasers aren't too picky about OC reflectivity so it should still work. The optics were an absolute bargain, the beam splitters are 35mm, as are two of the lenses and the mirror, so a lot of pricey germanium and zinc selenide. I machined the mirror mounts myself, and they have an acrylic mirror holder to take the strain off the optics when adjusting the mirrors, and to maintain adjustment when replacing the optics. The cooling pump will be an aquarium pump, and the gas supply is going to be a mixture of He, N2 and CO2 fed through a needle valve and out via a vacuum pump. I now need to sort out a power supply, rig up the gas supply, align the mirrors and I should hopefully be lasing.
Forums / High Voltage / Winding a flyback secondary - that's the transformer I had going until yesterday
And here are a few pictures of my progress so far, any advice, questions or neon sign transformers are very welcome!
Forums / High Voltage / Winding a flyback secondary - that's the transformer I had going until yesterday
And here are a few pictures of my progress so far, any advice, questions or neon sign transformers are very welcome!
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