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B&W-tech Spectrometer & 473 module: Setup+Mods+Info

Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I now have three RS232 to USB converters on order. Two have shipped. The one from CA and the one from China. I have another one I over paid for coming from somewhere in the states. Might be from WA as I had to pay sales tax for it. Right now, it is the only thing holding me up from going any further with these spectrometers. I should get at least one of them by the 12th. I need to go through the other five I got and see if there are any differences between them and the one I have already taken apart.

Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I'm not expecting my unit to show up for at least another week. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised...

Thanks for the update Paul! :beer:
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I'm not expecting my unit to show up for at least another week. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised...

Thanks for the update Paul! :beer:

Have you ever owned 473 diachi? It's a really nice color. :)

Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Have you ever owned 473 diachi? It's a really nice color. :)


Yup, I've had several. :) Including one of these B&WTek 473s that I sold to a guy here in town last year (along with my CNI 500mW 532 labby).
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Yup, I've had several. :) Including one of these B&WTek 473s that I sold to a guy here in town last year (along with my CNI 500mW 532 labby).

Coolio. So what exactly do you guys do with these B&W units? Are they specially made CNI units for OEM design? I've seen videos where they have a filter which limits output from the aperture. :)

Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

These B&WTek units have a spectrometer built into it. They were originally used to check carotinoid levels in skin. We are trying to repurpose the spectrometers and maybe get a few 473nm labby lasers to boot.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

These B&WTek units have a spectrometer built into it. They were originally used to check carotinoid levels in skin. We are trying to repurpose the spectrometers and maybe get a few 473nm labby lasers to boot.

To clarify, the laser head and spectrometer are separate units.

I imagine there'll be a bunch of both available for purchase soon on here... :D
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I suppose I could have worded it better, but I meant the spectrometer was built into the assembly. It is a separate spectro, but is part of this medical laser.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I suppose I could have worded it better, but I meant the spectrometer was built into the assembly. It is a separate spectro, but is part of this medical laser.

Just pointed it out in case people didn't realize we were buying whole assemblies. :beer:
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

I got the seventh one of these laser assemblies this morning from jnrpop. Just wanted to update this for him. :thanks:
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Did you get the five that went missing, Chris? I hope so. Was that the postal carrier's fault? Happens to me all the time.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

Got an RS232 to USB converter today and have been trying to get the free bare bones spectrometer software running and to recognize one of these units. My thoughts are that these spectrometers probably needs an external power source other than through the RS232 connector. Also, this software seems too sparse to be of real value, but I am not convinced of that just yet.

I just now saw the edit where you showed the units that came to you in Iraq, Alaskan. Have you located the spectrometer board yet? I see you had no trouble finding the laser head a driver.
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Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

My thoughts are that these spectrometers probably need an external power source other than through the RS232 connector.

...Yes, RS232 doesn't provide power.
Re: B&Wtech 473nm unit / Spectrometer Mods & Info

...Yes, RS232 doesn't provide power.

I should have worded that differently. The spectro does get some power through the RS232 to USB converter. It is enough to allow the computer to read the drivers off the spectro. I don't think it is enough as there is a +12 volt in micro plug and USB only supplies +5 volts.
