- Joined
- Dec 28, 2009
- Messages
- 287
- Points
- 63
LPF History 101
LPF History 102 - Where Are They Now?
LPF History 103 - The Ban List
LPF History 104 – Rep per Post Count & Posts per Day Ranking
LPF History 105 - Neg Rep List
LPF History 106 – The Avatars
LPF History 107 – Final Exam
LPF History 108 - Oldest Still Active Members High/Low Post Count
2014 LaserPointerForums Data Compilation Excel Spreadsheet on Google Drive
2015 LaserPointerForums Data Compilation Excel Spreadsheet on Google Drive
“You have to know where you have been to know where you are going” – author unknown
Rules and Requirements:
Exam ends at midnight CST June 30th with search resources unlimited (open book). Links or screen shots must be posted for validating source of each answer given. Simply guessing without an accompanying source link/screen shot will receive no credit (I've got the links from which I formulated these questions so I know they exist and remain out there to be found again). In addition, members will not get credit for answers related to questions of which they are the subject or subject matter owner.
Correct answers for each numbered question or grouped questions is worth an aggregate of 1 pt.; i.e. Single questions = 1 pt. Two combined questions under the same listed question number are worth 1/2 pts. each; similarly Three combined questions are worth 1/3 pts. each; and Four combined questions are worth 1/4 pts. each. (it's very simple math fractions, I promise)
The member having the highest combined score by midnight June 30th Central Standard Time by providing the first posting of the correct answers (and accompanying source links/screen shots) will be awarded the prize listed below. I anticipate being able to grade/validate the winning member's submitted answers and announce the winner on the 4th of July (may take longer if I decide on the spur of the moment to take a vacation or something.)
If a tie should occur (god, what would be the odds?) the tie breaker will be whoever has the higher Rep points per Post count ratio.
The Prize is a token of LPF History and a work of art by master laser builder Ehgemus: Custom 445 Build
Disclaimer: $100 Bill is not included in the prize
Note: You might want to keep this under wraps as the more who know the stiffer the competition will be.
Your Final Exam Begins Now!
1) What four members have the earliest join dates?
2) How many of the first members that joined in 2006 are still active?
3) When was the first safety goggles inquiry posted?
When was the first near miss laser eye strike reported?
4) What was SenKat_Stonetek's first registered account name?
What is his avatar and where did it originate?
5) How long did it take Things to reach 2000 posts?
6) When was the first group of Mods removed by Avery and why?
7) What YouTube video featuring one of Cyparagon’s lasers has 365,320+ views?
8) When were new Moderators reinstated?
Who was the first new Mod appointed?
9) When did Avery migrate the forums from YAB to Vbulletin?
10) What is Avery's other registered account name?
11) What was lasersbee’s other registered account name (albeit it was only temporary)?
12) What member constructed a 5W C mount diode built lasing at 405nm for NASA?
13) What was the branch of the US military in which daquin served?
What was his assignment?
What was his profession before he became a university professor?
14) What four members (with 100 posts or more) have no alpha characters in their member names?
15) Which member’s signature contains a 133 digit Binary Code string comprising 19 ASCII characters?
What does the string spell?
16) When did LPF reach 5,000 members?
10,000 members?
20,000 members?
17) Which member’s Laser Class designation is:
“is beyond cool”?
“Cereal Eater”?
“The Woman”?
A Unicode character Smiley Face Emoticon?
18) What member (with 100 posts or more) has the shortest registered account name of only two letters?
Who has the longest at 20 letters?
19) When did Phoenix77 change his avatar to the present one?
How did he make it?
20) What LPF member turned out to be a Radioactive Boy Scout copycat?
21) What are the direct links to the Laser Pointers Site Map and the Moderator List?
22) When was Ped appointed as a moderator?
On what other forum has he been a long time moderator?
23) How many veterans (with 1000 posts or more and at least one year of membership) are there?
How many are currently active; i.e. they have at least logged in if not having recently posted since the first of 2013?
How many members with 100 posts or more are currently active?
24) What veteran was born in the former USSR, speaks/writes fluent Russian, and whose occupation is Trying to stay awake?
25) What veteran changed his name this month by dropping the suffix of “Laser”?
26) Name two members banned for registering obscene member names?
27) Name a member whose avatar was banned.
28) Name at least three members who have posted a request to be banned.
29) Which member had seven accounts banned, created one last new account to make one last post, then quit LPF for good with his one last account still active?
30) Which member has had at least twelve accounts banned (not including TJ)?
31) On what forum did Avery announce LPF was nearing the 100,000 posts mile stone? (Hint – it was within a thread on a forum dedicated to the Community of Bulletin Board Owners and Administrators). What present day LPF mod posted his greetings in that same thread?
When was the 100,000th post actually made on LPF?
When was the 500,000th post made?
32) On what date were the most online at LPF at one time and how many were there?
Edit: 06-21-2013, 03:01 PM
I am calling the Winner to be ARG!
Congratulations as you have racked up 20+ points out of a highest possible score of 32 which leaves less than 12 points to be claimed, effectively eliminating everyone else from the game.
I've posted the answers within the second post below. Thanks a bunch all you guys for making LPF what it is today.
BTW - look at the most users on line statistic on the LPF home page - it looks like we are busting the "most on line record" continuously since just after 2pm today.
Edit: 07-06-2013, 08:32 PM
I am very glad you like it. You earned it fair and square with your most impresssive "Facts and Trivia IQ" :wave:
LPF History 101
LPF History 102 - Where Are They Now?
LPF History 103 - The Ban List
LPF History 104 – Rep per Post Count & Posts per Day Ranking
LPF History 105 - Neg Rep List
LPF History 106 – The Avatars
LPF History 107 – Final Exam
LPF History 108 - Oldest Still Active Members High/Low Post Count
2014 LaserPointerForums Data Compilation Excel Spreadsheet on Google Drive
2015 LaserPointerForums Data Compilation Excel Spreadsheet on Google Drive
“You have to know where you have been to know where you are going” – author unknown
LPF History 107 – Final Exam
Rules and Requirements:
Exam ends at midnight CST June 30th with search resources unlimited (open book). Links or screen shots must be posted for validating source of each answer given. Simply guessing without an accompanying source link/screen shot will receive no credit (I've got the links from which I formulated these questions so I know they exist and remain out there to be found again). In addition, members will not get credit for answers related to questions of which they are the subject or subject matter owner.
Correct answers for each numbered question or grouped questions is worth an aggregate of 1 pt.; i.e. Single questions = 1 pt. Two combined questions under the same listed question number are worth 1/2 pts. each; similarly Three combined questions are worth 1/3 pts. each; and Four combined questions are worth 1/4 pts. each. (it's very simple math fractions, I promise)
The member having the highest combined score by midnight June 30th Central Standard Time by providing the first posting of the correct answers (and accompanying source links/screen shots) will be awarded the prize listed below. I anticipate being able to grade/validate the winning member's submitted answers and announce the winner on the 4th of July (may take longer if I decide on the spur of the moment to take a vacation or something.)

The Prize is a token of LPF History and a work of art by master laser builder Ehgemus: Custom 445 Build

Disclaimer: $100 Bill is not included in the prize
Note: You might want to keep this under wraps as the more who know the stiffer the competition will be.

Your Final Exam Begins Now!
1) What four members have the earliest join dates?
2) How many of the first members that joined in 2006 are still active?
3) When was the first safety goggles inquiry posted?
When was the first near miss laser eye strike reported?
4) What was SenKat_Stonetek's first registered account name?
What is his avatar and where did it originate?
5) How long did it take Things to reach 2000 posts?
6) When was the first group of Mods removed by Avery and why?
7) What YouTube video featuring one of Cyparagon’s lasers has 365,320+ views?
8) When were new Moderators reinstated?
Who was the first new Mod appointed?
9) When did Avery migrate the forums from YAB to Vbulletin?
10) What is Avery's other registered account name?
11) What was lasersbee’s other registered account name (albeit it was only temporary)?
12) What member constructed a 5W C mount diode built lasing at 405nm for NASA?
13) What was the branch of the US military in which daquin served?
What was his assignment?
What was his profession before he became a university professor?
14) What four members (with 100 posts or more) have no alpha characters in their member names?
15) Which member’s signature contains a 133 digit Binary Code string comprising 19 ASCII characters?
What does the string spell?
16) When did LPF reach 5,000 members?
10,000 members?
20,000 members?
17) Which member’s Laser Class designation is:
“is beyond cool”?
“Cereal Eater”?
“The Woman”?
A Unicode character Smiley Face Emoticon?
18) What member (with 100 posts or more) has the shortest registered account name of only two letters?
Who has the longest at 20 letters?
19) When did Phoenix77 change his avatar to the present one?
How did he make it?
20) What LPF member turned out to be a Radioactive Boy Scout copycat?
21) What are the direct links to the Laser Pointers Site Map and the Moderator List?
22) When was Ped appointed as a moderator?
On what other forum has he been a long time moderator?
23) How many veterans (with 1000 posts or more and at least one year of membership) are there?
How many are currently active; i.e. they have at least logged in if not having recently posted since the first of 2013?
How many members with 100 posts or more are currently active?
24) What veteran was born in the former USSR, speaks/writes fluent Russian, and whose occupation is Trying to stay awake?
25) What veteran changed his name this month by dropping the suffix of “Laser”?
26) Name two members banned for registering obscene member names?
27) Name a member whose avatar was banned.
28) Name at least three members who have posted a request to be banned.
29) Which member had seven accounts banned, created one last new account to make one last post, then quit LPF for good with his one last account still active?
30) Which member has had at least twelve accounts banned (not including TJ)?
31) On what forum did Avery announce LPF was nearing the 100,000 posts mile stone? (Hint – it was within a thread on a forum dedicated to the Community of Bulletin Board Owners and Administrators). What present day LPF mod posted his greetings in that same thread?
When was the 100,000th post actually made on LPF?
When was the 500,000th post made?
32) On what date were the most online at LPF at one time and how many were there?
Edit: 06-21-2013, 03:01 PM
I am calling the Winner to be ARG!
Congratulations as you have racked up 20+ points out of a highest possible score of 32 which leaves less than 12 points to be claimed, effectively eliminating everyone else from the game.
I've posted the answers within the second post below. Thanks a bunch all you guys for making LPF what it is today.
BTW - look at the most users on line statistic on the LPF home page - it looks like we are busting the "most on line record" continuously since just after 2pm today.
Edit: 07-06-2013, 08:32 PM
I got back from vacation and had the laser waiting for me in the mailIt works great! Very compact.
I am very glad you like it. You earned it fair and square with your most impresssive "Facts and Trivia IQ" :wave:
Last edited: