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Got booted from ebay, What do I do now?

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Ok let me clarify some things...Second chance offers are offers the seller sends to ebayers that LOST the auction. He sent several, I accepted two of them at the max price I bid for them. This wasnt chris attempting to make good on some deal with me!

PAYPAL returned my money to me, not Chris.

"I" offered to make things right, NOT CHRIS! I offered to REPAY him if he sent out replacements seeing as he didnt provide ANY information on WHERE the lasers went!

HE SAID NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! and suggested we just go our separate ways. HE DID NOT DO THIS! He instead began the long, irritating bashing road of me!

CLEAR? CLEAR YET? I didnt come here to make friends or contribute. I came here because CHRIS has no right to go about posting BS about me on the web.

No, he has NOT been living a legal life since his past. It is a CRIMINAL offense to TAKE UNLISTED contact info. and post it on public venues! So there, he broke the law again and I will now be filing a complaint with the internet federal whatever its called people if he doesnt FESS up and start telling the TRUTH!

As for you people: Your all heavily biased and really need to stop your bs.

Again, may you all recieve 10 times what you have given. Think about it...You all IMMEDIATELY took sides against me simply because he said so. No one here asked any questions aside from how to pay me back. Shame on you all. NO ONE cared for the other side. Shame on ALL of you. I dont care to argue this crap anymore with you idiots.

May God dish out accordingly to each of us what we deserve. Im ready for mine, how about you all? HOW ABOUT YOU CHRIS!? YOU know damn straight what the truth is! HAHA! Keep your BS game up, you STILL know what the truth is and I will pray each night justice comes to you swiftly! And I smell your filth come up in my life again, rest assured I will raise a stink for you with your OWN police dept. you arrogant asshole!

Your all so pathetic to think that he treats you the same as anyone else. "Dont shit where you eat". Ever hear that? Think hed slip up with you guys? Naive idiots.

I think my introduction to the forum was well deserved seeing as you all were ready to hang me JUST because of chris. Your all stupid to believe what he said about "altering emails". Do you even know what a header is? Why couldnt chris alter an email to get me back if its so easy to do?

Why dont you all sit your ass down and think this out. Pretend for a minute chris MIGHT be blowing smoke up your ass and then think about how you would feel to see outright lies spread about you?


Your all stupid to believe what he said about "altering emails". Do you even know what a header is? Why couldnt chris alter an email to get me back if its so easy to do?

For what it's worth there is no checksum in email headers. You can modify the body of an email as much as you please, the headers only show the originating IP address of the computer that sent it, as well as some information about the mail servers it passed through along the way. I assume the reason Chris didn't "alter an email to get back at [you]" because he doesn't sound nearly as pissed off and vindictive as you over this whole fiasco.

Also the word is "You're".

No, he has NOT been living a legal life since his past. It is a CRIMINAL offense to TAKE UNLISTED contact info. and post it on public venues! So there, he broke the law again and I will now be filing a complaint with the internet federal whatever its called people if he doesnt FESS up and start telling the TRUTH!

I'm not too well versed on the details here, but if someone has served their sentence they're no longer a criminal as they've paid their debt to society. I'm not a lawyer, but per my understanding of US privacy laws, it's not illegal to publish the name and address of a person, as these are already in the public domain. If you have reason to believe he's defaming your character by posting nonfactual information about you, that would be considered libel, and while this is against the law, it's not a crime. It's a civil matter, between two people. A criminal offense is when a person commits an unlawful act against society as a whole. You may have a case if you've got plenty of proof that Chris's posts about you are a significant defamation of character and that it's affected you negatively, financially, then yes, maybe you have some grounds on which you could sue him, but as it stands you're just blowing out a lot of hot air and accomplishing aside from convincing the members of this forum that you're angry and opinionated and not too well versed in law.
Fission236: You should worry about your OWN salvation what with the language you use. I barely know Chris but have dealt with him successfully myself. I'm not going to accuse either one of you because I admit that I do not have sufficient proof on either side to blame anyone. I am actually inclined to believe that it was a misunderstanding blown out of proportion by the frailties of men. You may know his side of the story, but it is from your point of view not his. HOWEVER, even if all that you say is true, your conduct is not excusable, and does nothing to further your cause. Judging by the way you have acted, I am inclined to believe that you are not being entirely truthful, or mature. If you want people to believe you, then grow up.

I personally am not worried about Chris's past or your future, because everyone will get what they deserve in the end, regardless of anything I do or say. I would not be surprised if you try to bash what I have said. Just remember that if you do not do it in an appropriate manner, I will be disinclined to believe anything you say. I have no aversion to you staying on the forum as long as you behave like a civil human being.
Ok let me clarify some things...Second chance offers are offers the seller sends to ebayers that LOST the auction. He sent several, I accepted two of them at the max price I bid for them. This wasnt chris attempting to make good on some deal with me!

PAYPAL returned my money to me, not Chris.

"I" offered to make things right, NOT CHRIS! I offered to REPAY him if he sent out replacements seeing as he didnt provide ANY information on WHERE the lasers went!

HE SAID NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! and suggested we just go our separate ways. HE DID NOT DO THIS! He instead began the long, irritating bashing road of me!

CLEAR? CLEAR YET? I didnt come here to make friends or contribute. I came here because CHRIS has no right to go about posting BS about me on the web.

No, he has NOT been living a legal life since his past. It is a CRIMINAL offense to TAKE UNLISTED contact info. and post it on public venues! So there, he broke the law again and I will now be filing a complaint with the internet federal whatever its called people if he doesnt FESS up and start telling the TRUTH!

As for you people: Your all heavily biased and really need to stop your bs.

Again, may you all recieve 10 times what you have given. Think about it...You all IMMEDIATELY took sides against me simply because he said so. No one here asked any questions aside from how to pay me back. Shame on you all. NO ONE cared for the other side. Shame on ALL of you. I dont care to argue this crap anymore with you idiots.

May God dish out accordingly to each of us what we deserve. Im ready for mine, how about you all? HOW ABOUT YOU CHRIS!? YOU know damn straight what the truth is! HAHA! Keep your BS game up, you STILL know what the truth is and I will pray each night justice comes to you swiftly! And I smell your filth come up in my life again, rest assured I will raise a stink for you with your OWN police dept. you arrogant asshole!

Your all so pathetic to think that he treats you the same as anyone else. "Dont shit where you eat". Ever hear that? Think hed slip up with you guys? Naive idiots.

I think my introduction to the forum was well deserved seeing as you all were ready to hang me JUST because of chris. Your all stupid to believe what he said about "altering emails". Do you even know what a header is? Why couldnt chris alter an email to get me back if its so easy to do?

Why dont you all sit your ass down and think this out. Pretend for a minute chris MIGHT be blowing smoke up your ass and then think about how you would feel to see outright lies spread about you?


Look, man

I'm not a religious man, nor do I care to get into a religious discussion, but I think that any reference to "God" has no place in a post in which you shamelessly belittle each member of our forum.

Also, it is unfair of you to expect us to feel the same way about Chris that you do. I don't know of a single company that doesn't have at least a couple disgruntled customers, so does that make all those companies worthless as well? Apparently, according to you.

You can believe what you want to about Chris, but I'll be waiting until I have a reason to take issue with him, which may never happen..
Its funny how people jump someone's ass whenever they mention God, and they are so quick to pass judgement on them for doing so. Its also funny that the simple mention of God gets the largest response out of someone. Perhaps each of you that decided to immediately persecute me for my beliefs are harboring some kind of wretchedness that they cant stand themselves?

Insulting language, huh? How do you all think "I" felt to find out this forum was allowing him to slander me? Huh? Why should I respect ANY of you? I think there was ONE person to offer ANY opposition and he was belittled for it. His credibility was immediately questioned! HYPOCRITES! What do you say to his malicious buying? His malicious feedback? His malicious unpaid item strikes? HUH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I am not arguing MY point of view. I never was. I told you all I have his dang emails and a list of his actions.

I never intended to join your little crappy forum, especially when its members blindly follow such garbage without asking questions. I always questions my friends and family when they come up with some lame sounding story! (tampering with ebay emails, ect.)

Doesnt it seem suspicious that whenever chris gets into some sort of trouble that its always SOMEONE ELSE' fault? Its always some scammer or something, right?

And I will most certainly belittle someone that sticks their rear end out for a freebie to someone like chris! MOST of the people that have responded in this thread showed extremely biased views and lack of judgement!

Why dont you guys WISE up?

This is my final post. May God bring down justice on everyone here! If that offends you, suck it! Nerds with laser pointers offend me! People that make drugs and get away easy offend me! Idiot "pals" that just gang up on strangers offend me!

Only ignorant people refuse facts and takes sides simply because they are insulted.

Screw all of you. You STILL casually step aside from the points I am making and attack me for mentioning God or using choice words! MOST you asshats had NOOOOOOOOOOO problem bashing me BEFORE I joined up to take my stand! This forum is full of turds and biased buddy buddy asshats that believe anything told so long as its their buddy doing the telling.

He will eventually slip up because he is a F'up. Then you will all see and feel like the idiots you are. Have your happy little laser pointer forum and your little "family secret".

TO CHRIS: I will watch EVERY auction of yours and report ANYTHING that is against ebay's rules. So will others! :-)))))))))))))

God is the only judge! thats what religions believe. The angriest people i have met in my life are god fearing people. Why is that? it is so funny to me. You are so worried about god judging and that you are "ready" but you have the mouth of a sailor. If God is the ultimate judge then why are you so angy? Calm down man. If you want to make a moral issue out of a bad transaction, god have mercy on YOU! I will pray for you fission. you are a lost sheep that needs to find his way back to the pack. maybe this is why god put you in this situation. you need to renew your faith and not just use it as a punch line in a fight.

edit* i don't think asshat is a word?

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God is the only judge! thats what religions believe. The angriest people i have met in my life are god fearing people. Why is that? it is so funny to me. You are so worried about god judging and that you are "ready" but you have the mouth of a sailor. If God is the ultimate judge then why are you so angy? Calm down man. If you want to make a moral issue out of a bad transaction, god have mercy on YOU! I will pray for you fission. you are a lost sheep that needs to find his way back to the pack. maybe this is why god put you in this situation. you need to renew your faith and not just use it as a punch line in a fight.

edit* i don't think asshat is a word?


I said I was gone, but this had to be said...
"The angriest people i have met in my life are god fearing people. Why is that?"
This is because of you people doing whatever you want rather than what you OUGHT to do! This usually results in US having to have MORE problems because of you! And dont come down on me for cursing like a sailor. Words are words. Truth is TRUTH! I came with truth and EVIDENCE to back it up. I was shot down without even a thought in the world! You are all so far up chris' ass that you dont want to see anything but the darkness in his bowels!

The Bible DOES tell its followers to judge others actions, not their eternity. Funny how people like to slap believers in the face with their little knowledge of the beliefs they profess!

I dont come here and tell you that I can create blue light with a vanadate and ktp combo do I? That would be ignorant.

Again, if you cant understand my anger and frustration after what this turd did to me, then your a selfish idiot!

I've got no worries with your God threats... I'm an athiest...
As for you coming to this Forum... to only Flame.. and belittle all the members
here... the only thing you have shown is your Immature uneducated self..

Every negative word from you about this forum and it's members.. only reduces
the value of any of what you say...
You sound like a Frustrated... Ranting... Lunatic.. and your words have no meaning..

BTW... take a pill...you're going to pop a vein in your head..

Now we'll see if you are a liar or not... you just posted
This is my final post.

if you notice he only likes to pick and choose what he defends. yes i zinged him about god but but he chooses to ignore the fact that he uses god and the f word in the same sentance. i have been through the bible twice and haven't seen where it says to judge others. maybe do unto others.... anywho to the rest of the forum arguing with a religious fanatic is like beating a dead horse. no matter what you tell them it always goes back to cuz god said so. (hmmm, almost like a woman, but she says cuz she said so). ok one last try. You say god says to judge people. Ok Here is a whole forum judging Chris. and you know what he seems like a pretty good guy.
yes i zinged him about god but but he chooses to ignore the fact that he uses god and the f word in the same sentance.

Thanks Chip, that's more along the lines of what I was getting at.

It doesn't take a smart person to realize that less people are going to believe you if you bite off everybody's head who even remotely questions anything you say. And as for hypocrites, he says he always questions his friends but won't allow us to question what he says.

From what I've read, Chris did some things that he shouldn't have, whether all of it was true or not. But then so did fission. If it weren't for the terrible way he handled the situation I might have sympathized with him.
like elektrofreak said businesses have disgruntled customers some times. The guy should have kept his complaints to ebay. LPF isn't a store. Fussion is right we are biased here. DUH!!!!! What chris did is irrelevant to me, to be honest i didn't even read what he did, but i felt attacked after reading all of fussions ramblings.

fission, honestly, every member of this forum who has been here any amount of time has seen heruur do tens or hundreds of deals. By my reckoning, with his sales threads on this site, I've seen him carry out very close to $10,000 worth of deals.

Now, with him having had $10,000 worth of sales on this site, which has no feedback mechanism and no method for retribution like e-bay, why in the world would he try to scam you of a measly $100 on ebay, where feedback is such an important thing? He wouldn't, simple as that.

And as far as criminal records, anything of that nature was certainly handled in the courts. And the fact that he's out in the general public now means he's been punished, or found innocent, or otherwise has paid his debt to society, so that's fine by me.
Just read all the ahem... colorfull posts.. ROTFLMAO!!! OMG!!! That fission guy is gonna have a stroke before he sees 30 if he doesn't seek professional help... I'll pray for him..
Why do you all insist on the main issue here being the $110.00??

You are all so stupid that I am here again, pointing it out to you how stupid you are. Chris likely didnt pull a scam to get my $110.00, as even a moron wouldnt do that when they have crack to sell. Its easier to sell drugs!

THE POINT IS all the nasty things he did to me such as: Malicious buying (Buying just to leave a negative)
Using his "ME" page to SLANDER ME (This is also is against ebay's rules)
Taking my UNLISTED CONTACT INFO and POSTING it on a PUBLIC forum (This is also against ebay's rules).
Refunding my money, and then giving me TWO UNPAID ITEM STRIKES!!! (This is also against ebay's rules).
So there you have it you bitches! He broke FOUR of ebay's rules and THATS why he got kicked for a week from ebay!

What have I done? I cussed at you all, threw religion in your face, and refused to let chris butt rape me! He BROKE RULES you idiots! Im so SICK of your mindless cult crap here. I can PROVE ALL OF THIS. Chris cant prove a F-ING thing he claims!

CHRIS- You were a loser in highschool, couldnt make it in college, and will always be a loser. May you wind up in jail as someone's bitch for life. I will be watching EVERYTHING you do!

You are all so full of shit that this place ought be closed down. SO what if I offend you? So what if I am rude to you? That doesnt change the FACTS here! Stop your crying and be men!

Lets all REMEMBER that Chris said HE REFUNDED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO why then, Chris, did you CONTINUE to pull all of this BS with me? If you were in the right, why not fight it? If you are so successful on ebay, why didnt you cover your ass from the start? You ALWAYS dodge responsibility and ONE day you will get whats coming to you!

May all your KTPs crack...

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