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Profile, friends gone...

Dec 21, 2008
...so I'm assuming something got restored, reset, etc.

Can I assume this was a one-time deal? I don't want to be recreating my profile on a regular basis if we are still in a beta testing phase...

p.s. & rep, & subscriptions & who knows what else... :eek:
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Same assumption here....just reset my avatar at the moment....

Regards rog8811
Darn it C0ld,

I spent 2hrs yesterday updating my reviews to work with vBulletin and all changes are gone :(

What happened...? Can this be avoided moving forwards, or should we wait a while...?

EDIT: AFAIK, all new posts, threads and edited stuff form yesterday are gone.
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I think we will need to wait a while... I just re-registered a 2nd time
just to get on here...
My User E-Mail and password were reset overnight...:eek:
Can't even login.....:(

Just checked.... my Avatar is also gone.... as well as all my other
post here from yesterday....

I think we can expect this until things get ironed out....

My User E-Mail and password were reset overnight...

I think we all had to re-request our pw for our original user ids: Did you try that? See the link in red that C0ld posted at the top...
i apologize again for data loss, this really shouldn't happen again

everything should be fine now

as soon as im home from work i will be back on LPF helping you all with whatever you need

thanks for sticking with me thru this stressful forum move

enjoy the site


I think we all had to re-request our pw for our original user ids: Did you try that? See the link in red that C0ld posted at the top...

Yeah... I had to do that yesterday... and this morning I need to do
it again...
Like I said... it's probably the transition things... that still need to
be ironed out...

...data loss, this really shouldn't happen again
Ok, good to hear it :)

We all know it's a big move, so please don't get me (or anyone else) wrong, we appreciate the tons of hours you have put into it - you da man :cool:
