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Yobresal has done it again!!!

Jun 16, 2009
Well I made a rather large purchase from Luke for that opto RPL 350, it was to be sold for $700 with a charger, 2 batts and a PELICAL CASE! But I could only afford $670, so i talked to luke and offered $670 for ONLY the laser, he said yes!!! But at this point Glenn and i were waiting for paypal to load the $500 on his account, so he could pay me, I talked with Luke and let him know that Glenn would be sending him $500 of the money, (Return money from CNI) and i would be sending $170, Luke said OK, and i sent the $170, then after waiting a few days (2) Paypal was being EXTRA slow Luke PM'd me and said he was going to ship me the laser, WITHOUT THE PAYMENT FROM GLENN!!! I was stunned that he would send the product even though he was missing over half of the money still. A day or two later Glenn's account got the money, and he sent it, The whole transaction was smooth, and perfect! Then i got another surprise when the laser came and Luke sent the extras anyway :)
Overall Luke (Yobresal) and Glenn (Scopeguy20) are AWSOME members to deal with!

Hey Dustin...
that's about like telling us your procedure on putting on your socks
and your pants in the morning....:friend:

BTW... I'm glad it worked out....;)

Hey Dustin...
that's about like telling us your procedure on putting on your socks
and your pants in the morning....:friend:...

