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FrozenGate by Avery

Xbox 360 HD DVD Drive

true. i kinda had the same idea in mind, but factored out the shipping as not counting.
i dont know why. it does count, its money out of my very thin wallet :P
im not sure. chances are i may buy one from daedal. i just wish i could get one cheaper :/

hey guys listen opmega if your having trouble, just go to youtube and search styropyro and watch his video on how to make a blue laser, he gives a website with the proper xbox dvd drive diode.
tony70516: thanks, i had seen that video, but didnt notice the link! im assuming thats the same daedal from these forums.

jamilm9: thats good to hear! hopefully i can snag one off of ebay for cheap :]

something else may be in the works for me, so i may not even need a drive :D
