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FrozenGate by Avery

x series question

Apr 16, 2007
Just out of curiosity because I don't know who I am getting my laser from at this point, but heres my question: Is the $40 from the x85 to the x105 really worth it? I will NOT be buying another green anytime soon after that so should I just suck it up and go for the higher one? Let me hear what you guys think. THanks!

85mw or 105mw, it's your choice, but someone with those lasers could tell you some more about themin my head, bigger is better ;D ;D ;D ;D
I would say GO FOR IT!
I should have a ~115mW laser today actually.
I mean, if you're already spending that much why not go and get an extra ~20mW's of power?
Let us know how everything goes.
I would, becasue once you get the 85mw you'll always be wondering what that wxra 20mw of power would be like. When I had my 95mw I sure was. I think especially the way nova has their power level, its deffinatly worth it. :)
I STRONGLY urge you to get the X105. I am simply amazed at mine. It is easily the best purchase I have ever made. And it should have good chunk of extra burning power that you WILL wish you would have bought.
Thanks guys! I am going for the x-105. And burning isn't really what I am going for. Sure it's cool, but I really just love having that strong, bright green beam that can be seen so clearly..I just love it :)
Tonight was my first night with the laser. Dear lord, this thing is insane! You will LOVE it!
