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FrozenGate by Avery

[WTT] Looking for greenie; trading 2.2W 445nm

Mar 15, 2012
Hello LPF :wave:

I have a laser up for trade; http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/sold-2w-445nm-laser-highly-polished-host-razor-72528.html.

That is the one I own and I am quite satisfied with it. The laser still operates fine and with the LPM test given to me (I don't own a LPM so) it was clocked at almost 2.2 W (2.199 watts).

The reason I would like to trade it is because I want to experience more laser colors (So far I've had a 200mW red dilda and this 445nm 2.2W razor).

I would also like to say that the laser beam is almost visible during the morning, you can see the dot in the afternoon, and the beam and dot is visible at night time; you will not be disappointed.

It is still in prime condition (Not many scratches; shiny) and the total use time has been around 30 minutes combined total; still has a long lifespan ahead of it. :tinfoil:

This is what you get:

1x >2W 445nm Laser "Razor".
1x G1-Lens
1x Custom Focusing Adapter
4x Un-Protected 16340 Batteries
1x Charger
1x Microfiber Cloth
1x Laser Safety Goggles/Glasses
1x Battery Case
1x Wrist Strap
1x Diffraction Grating
1x Holographic Laser Warning Label rated "2W" (Still has not been used)
1x Black security box

What I'm looking for is a green laser; there is no specific mW output I'm looking for but I just would like something that has a sick host as well as a fair mW output. I am not selling the laser; just looking for a trade.

Thank you very much LPF :umbrella:
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I could trade you a 180mW greenie that runs of off an 18650, but I think you are looking for some more power, right?
I could trade you a 180mW greenie that runs of off an 18650, but I think you are looking for some more power, right?

Yea sorry I am actually looking for more mW output than that. 150 mW of green is about the same brightness + or - 5 mW as a 445 2W.
I'd recommend you take a picture of the laser and all the extras, placed on top or in front of, of sheet of paper with your LPF name and today's date.
I'd recommend you take a picture of the laser and all the extras, placed on top or in front of, of sheet of paper with your LPF name and today's date.

I would like to but I don't have a camera/not willing to buy one. I do have everything though and I'll be happy to ship using USPS. :cryyy:
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use your phone camera or borrow a camera I don't think your going to sell/trade anything with no pictures :whistle:
