Aseras said:
i think your problem is people want a working perfect spyder, for cheap and even direct from wicked there's no guarantee of the quality, and you probably do not have a return policy like wicked where they'll send you 3-4 of them until you give up or get a decent laser.
your problem is a lack of reputation, no control over the product you are selling and a over developed zeal to get rid of these things.
Woow, lets hold on a minute guys, I am sensing some teeny weenie bits of hostile vibes. J/K.
Some wrong facts stated here and there.
Firstly, I HAVE a return policy. The thing is, I only ship spyders that are tested, fully working and capable of lighting matches. Going to have a lasercheck soon but this would do.
1. Lack of Reputation
This has been solved by kind Greg, who has offered to be the middleman.
2. No control over the Spyders
I don't quite get you. I OWN the Spyders, they are MINE, I can play with them how I like.
What do you mean by me not having control over them? My english isn't too good frankly speaking but I can seriously not make out what you are trying to say here. Would be fantastic if you could PM me about that if you have the time.
3. Over developed zeal to sell them off
I thought that being enthusiastic in something would make it easier to sell.
Looks like I have to tone down A LOT and start being more passive about the selling of the Spyders.
Sure, who isn't excited about making money at the age of 16.5? I am, surely you would if you had 8 of them too!
Next up:
me_too_lazy said:
If you're spyder is up to spec, it'll sell. PERIOD
5 pages of text on a selling thread is quite ridiculous
you're complicating this way too much
and whats with that last post of your "preferred" way of haggling
whatever people throw at you, if you don't like it, walk away or counteroffer
In my opinion, you just sound too desperate
thats never a good selling/haggling tactic.
I had (READ: HAD) an over developed zeal to sell these off as what Aseras mentioned.
I am so sorry, if I had offended anyone with that extremely ridiculous to the point of being absurd zeal of mine! I really did not mean to have that much zeals. lol!!
You don't quite get me. You are mistaken. My spyers, are up to spec nothing on this entire whole thread mentioned ANYTHING about it being under specifications.
5 pages is admittedly a tad crazy for a sales thread. lol. I am creating a new one soon, thanks Greg.
My last thread. People said that they dislike having to offer prices.
Well the thing is if they do not even offer me a price, how do I walk away or counteroffer?
I clearly stated my very cheap price, they could either buy or offer their best offer.
Sorry for sounding so pissed I really am not. My mid-terms just ended I haven't slept for days, I'm flustered. but HAPPY!
Please close this thread.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I just really had this over zealous urge to clarify all the misconceptions you had.