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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB/WTT- Crystal for my LZCS532-200

Sep 19, 2011
Hey all,

I am in need of a crystal for my laser LZCS - 532nm 200mW Focusable Green Laser Pointer (Link to my model)

Everything is brand spanking new, on a recent flight i packed my laser in a hard glasses case in my suitcase; and even then my crystal came dislodged. If anybody has an extra laying around and believe in paying it forward please let me know asap!!

Otherwise, could this be of any value/use to somebody for parts?

thanks a million

I'm eagerly awaiting reply's:cryyy:.

Hey all,

I am in need of a crystal for my laser LZCS - 532nm 200mW Focusable Green Laser Pointer (Link to my model)

Everything is brand spanking new, on a recent flight i packed my laser in a hard glasses case in my suitcase; and even then my crystal came dislodged. If anybody has an extra laying around and believe in paying it forward please let me know asap!!

Otherwise, could this be of any value/use to somebody for parts?

thanks a million

I'm eagerly awaiting reply's:cryyy:.

Take a photo of what came loose. You may not need a replacement. It may be able to be put back in place as long as it didnt get damaged.

If you want to send it to me, I can attempt a repair.
Take a photo of what came loose. You may not need a replacement. It may be able to be put back in place as long as it didnt get damaged.

If you want to send it to me, I can attempt a repair.

where are you located? Not to sound like a dick, but how doI know u won't rip me off...anything for collateral?
where are you located? Not to sound like a dick, but how doI know u won't rip me off...anything for collateral?

Hahahaha... now that sounds dodgey!! Sure I'll give you a broken laser but you have to give me collateral incase you scam me!

I have a set of crystals, but they are only rated for 50mW output sorry...
Do post a picture of your laser, and what's missing.

Also you should post your own location.

Lastly... collateral for a broken laser? :crackup:
HA HA, Yea, sorry I offered!!!

Just FYI , re-aligning the crystal is not easy, and its dangerous. The pump diode on that thing is probably pumping out close to a watt of IR. Have fun toasting your retinas!!!
