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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB/WTT: 100 mW - 200 mW Laser Diode...


Dec 27, 2011
Hey all. :wave:

I'm looking for someone who has ANY color (except 405 nm and IR :p) laser diode (the actual diode, not the entire thing) in between 100 mW and 200 mW, and in a 5.6 mm can.

I can trade you parts for laser drivers, or just electronic parts in general (I have flybacks, caps, IC's, whatever your heart desires!)

PM me with offers, please, US only...

Thank you! :beer:
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Hey all. :wave:

I'm looking for someone who has ANY color (except 405 nm and IR :p) laser diode (the actual diode, not the entire thing) in between 100 mW and 200 mW, and in a 5.6 mm can.

I can trade you parts for laser drivers, or just electronic parts in general (I have flybacks, caps, IC's, whatever your heart desires!)

PM me with offers, please, US only...

Thank you! :beer:

And you are probably not going to use 532nm since it will be a module and a 445nm diode will probably be 1w. So the only choice left is going to be a 650nm diode.

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Bleh, I guess you have a point unfortunately. :<

Well, 650/660 nm or 635 nm... but I don't think that 635 nm goes up that high!

I guess lower mW would be fine too. Anything above 50 mW for 635. 8D
