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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: Micro Flex Drive...anyone out there?

I have one but it has a finned copper heat sink attached and is set to 1300ma
it was set up for some one else and then I changed the heat sink design so he got a different V5.

You can still change the current on this one and the set resistors are soldered for max.
and it has silicone wire leads attached.
it's $35.00

Why not use the new Ben Boost driver boards? They're cheaper and better if you're trying to do a single cell blue or violet build.
I looked at those but I couldn't tell when they'd be coming in or if it'll fit in an aixiz! I need one asap...

This flexdrive is exactly what I'm looking for if it'll fit. Unless you have any info on the benboost.
