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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB 589nm 50mW+ handheld


Oct 18, 2009
I've been wanting one for a long time, and the supply situation seems to only be getting worse.

I've seen the 5mW pen for sale on aliexpress, but if I'm going to buy one, I really want something brighter than 5mW.

So I thought I'd post here, asking if anyone wants to sell theirs. Maybe you have one collecting dust in a drawer somewhere that you wouldn't mind parting with.

I'm aware that it won't be cheap.

Any takers? PM me.

Honestly you’re going to have a really hard time finding one here. The only handheld I have seen over 5mw at that wavelength is this one here

Which is crazy expensive. If you can afford it though, it’s what you’re looking for.
good luck on finding one, those are getting harder to find by the day, the only company that has ever produced them in handhelds were CNI , and they have stopped producing them recently, hope you do find one though, do not buy from the website that lasermodder sent, it looks a lot like a scam, especially as they have a 3000mw 589nm handheld, the highest power any 589nm handheld got to was 265mw (correct me if im wrong) and it only stayed that high for a few seconds
good luck on finding one, those are getting harder to find by the day, the only company that has ever produced them in handhelds were CNI , and they have stopped producing them recently, hope you do find one though, do not buy from the website that lasermodder sent, it looks a lot like a scam, especially as they have a 3000mw 589nm handheld, the highest power any 589nm handheld got to was 265mw (correct me if im wrong) and it only stayed that high for a few seconds
Agreed. This was mainly to be use as a deterrent to buy one anyway considering its price. I would only buy from this site if I had a good LPM, and could use PayPal in combination with a credit card that can handle chargebacks easily.
Good luck, be (very) patient and keep your eye out. I managed to find a 50mw from a member here only 2 months ago and wrote a review about it you can find in my sig.

Then just last month someone from Germany sold another one on eBay and the winning bid was around 590 euros. They're expensive and not easy to find but every now and then one pops up
Do you want a laser that looks yellow to the human eye or actually emits yellow photons? The former is easy to create with an RGB laser
Do you want a laser that looks yellow to the human eye or actually emits yellow photons? The former is easy to create with an RGB laser

Thanks for your replies all.

Yeah, I want one that looks consistently yellow/golden to my eyes while wearing my glasses that suffer from refraction if I look anywhere but in the center of the lenses.

Back in 2012 (I think) I saw a Ghostland Observatory show where they had two laser scanners that I think were 589nm (in addition to 6 RGB scanners). It was really an amazing show. The whole sky above the audience was essentially filled with bright fat vivid beams, and they had some great effects.

I saw another show of theirs some years later, and was disappointed that they didn't have the 589s anymore, and only 4 RGB scanners. It wasn't the same at all.
Good luck, be (very) patient and keep your eye out. I managed to find a 50mw from a member here only 2 months ago and wrote a review about it you can find in my sig.

Then just last month someone from Germany sold another one on eBay and the winning bid was around 590 euros. They're expensive and not easy to find but every now and then one pops up
wow, amazing find on the yellow laser! I had checked several times before on whether yellow lasers are generally available, but ever since early 2020 with dragonlasers discontinuing laser pointers, it seems to be nearly impossible... I just want a nice 5mw laser in yellow, such as 589nm, ideally powered by a common battery size such as AAA
No idea on the reputability of BeamQ but they have this 589nm listed:
Several values listed for Output Power, but no selectable options to choose which.

Edit: Looks like the same one as this one on AliExpress and is <5mw:
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I've tried buying from beamq twice, and both times they have ripped me off and never sent me anything... They "sell" products they cannot acquire, and leave you in limbo without a word. Would recommend against buying from them.
No idea on the reputability of BeamQ but they have this 589nm listed:
Several values listed for Output Power, but no selectable options to choose which.

Edit: Looks like the same one as this one on AliExpress and is <5mw:
Thanks. I actually found one recently, a DL Spartan came up on eBay and I made sure to swoop in right away and grab it.

It shipped from the UK to the US without any trouble.

Unfortunately it's a bit unstable. I can see it mode hopping, and the LPM shows the output ranging from ~10 to 40mW.

I'm still pretty happy with it. It looks gorgeous at night.
