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WTB 532nm 500mW-700mW

Jan 8, 2013
Hey guys!

I am looking for a new 532nm because - Ha well you know!!:D:D
I would prefer a jetlaser or laserbtb, I'm looking for a seller IN the U.S.
I am in northern california.
Note: I am am aware that I can purchase from laserbtb myself however;
With the recent stories about customs:gun: I'd rather not take the chance.
So if anyone wants to let go of an greenie be sure to let me know! thanks!

recent stories about customs? :thinking: what stories? ive gotten 3 lasers in the US just in the last two month
I am also looking for a 532 at any power above 300-400mW. Lets see 'em, sellers!
recent stories about customs? :thinking: what stories? ive gotten 3 lasers in the US just in the last two month

Laserbtb won't "FDA approve" anything over 500mW for 532nm.

If I must, I will wait until another group buy and just get a 500mW :/
There doesn't seem to be a problem getting those.

This will also save me lots of time! Because typically people will buy extra on GBs-
Who will in tern sell them to me, right now. lol
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are either of you seriously interested?
I have high mW 532 I will be soon selling
If so PM me
