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FrozenGate by Avery

WOOHOOOO!! Got my X85!!!


Aug 7, 2007
I am happy!!!!! ;D

One question...
Can I still call it a 85mw even if its putting out 108.7 peak and 101.4 average!!!!!!?? Its a beast!!!!!!!!

Thanks Nova!!!!

To show what it really is call it a CNI 101mW to show its true power instead of an X85 lol
yup i already burned myself with it, lol. Being the smart "safe" guy I am I was playing with some fiberoptic cable and i held a bundle in my hand then shined the laser into the end, i missed and zapped my thumb. These things kinda hurt, lol. brand new and I already have a new respect for it.
You find out what your dealing with the first time you point it at your arm and burn the crap out of it!
wow thats insane! i always thought that they should measure the output of a laser before they send it out, then create a custom label for it with its exact average mw's.
Man I just love NOVA :) Call it an X85 so you will blow peoples minds when they see it.
