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FrozenGate by Avery

Wicked Dragon case for X105

Aug 22, 2007
I've heard that Wicked's Dragon style laser pointer case fits the Nova X105. They are small, form fitting, and cheaper than Nova's. However when I went on the Wicked site I found that they had three models of Dragon cases: one for Wicked Evolution, one for their Executive, and on for their pulsar. Which case would best fit for my Nova X105? Another way of looking at it would be which one of Wicked's three mentions lasers be closest in size to the X105.

I bought a dragoncase from www.laserpointer.com (wicked alt for low mW only)  however when you order the dragoncase only, you wont pay the ridicilous 18 $ for shipping they ask at wickedlasers.  

shipping on laserpointer.com is only $5 for US , and $10 for international orders.

this way you can save a few buckos' on buying a dragoncase for you CNI laser.
(Fits perfectly with my Dragon laser vipers, and Nova CNI lasers)
Yeah if you live in the US www.laserpointer.com is the way to go. However if you are in the UK then you can order if from http://www.blueskymarketing.co.uk/laser_pointer/index.html for £10 delivered which is about the same as laserpointer with the exchange rate but they are in this country and you wont have to wait a bit with shipping. They even do Europe for free too but that takes a bit longer and is about the same price as it is from USA.
