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Which violet laser to buy for skywatch?

Tullsi Broadway

New member
Aug 1, 2021
I have for some time been looking at lasers to buy, but it's a confusing market and I still don't know, what and where to buy.

I need a laser for sky watching. It should be able to reach up at least 5 km, so I have been looking for high power lasers around 200-500 mw. But most lasers online don't come with specifications about mw and beam length and many are not trustworthy.

And I prefer a violet laser for different reasons.
But they are difficult to find, especially under $ 100.

I talked with a New Yorker company, that said, that a violet laser should be stronger than a green one, because it's more difficult to see at a distance. 200 mw should be enough.

Beside that, I have a problem getting the laser into my country (Denmark), as we have strict rules against selling lasers over 1mw. So many won't ship to Denmark.

Today I found this forum and read, that most companies selling these lasers are fraudulent.

So where to buy a laser with specs, you can trust, but under $100, preferably lower than that, around $50-80?
And which ones to look for?
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FYI Violet 405nm lasers are the weakest on the color spectrum. That company that said its more visible that a green 520 or 525laser is full of BS . If you want a visible laser look into a 520,525 or 532 DPSS . 532 DPSS lasers are cheap on ebay form many vendors. But check their ratings some offer higher powers but sell you lower power DPSS laser.
Hey there,
I think the New York company meant that a violet laser needs to be stronger i.e. have more output power than a green to be just as visible, which is true.
Sanwu Lasers, Jet Lasers, and Survival Laser (this one won't ship lasers to the US) are all reputable companies that I know.
For a good option under $100 check out Sanwu's pocket series. https://www.sanwulasers.com/product/pocket
I own their 200mw 405nm laser and it's only $90 but keep in mind you're going to have to shell out more $$ for a battery, charger, and safety glasses (a must for any close range use) +shipping. My order was $160 after all that.

With star pointing I don't think the distance the laser travels is as important as people think it is. We see in perspective so after a certain distance the laser will reach a vanishing point and additional distance coverage will essentially look the same. At least in my opinion

Can confirm that the 200mw 405 beam is visible at night and the laser/company are top notch

But Lifetime/Rich is right, green lasers are usually preferred for visibility and distance
FYI Violet 405nm lasers are the weakest on the color spectrum. That company that said its more visible that a green 520 or 525laser is full of BS . If you want a visible laser look into a 520,525 or 532 DPSS . 532 DPSS lasers are cheap on ebay form many vendors. But check their ratings some offer higher powers but sell you lower power DPSS laser.
I didn't write that. Read it again. I know.that the green laser light is the one, human eyes sees the best. But I am for other reasons looking for a violet laser. And I was informed to look for a laser with more mw, if I wanted a violet one, to enhance the light power.
I can build you a 1900mw 405 50r 150.00 + 8.45 priority shopping in a custom host with a full solid copperhead sink.
here are a pic of the host .
